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Mankind’s worst enemy, the elusive chothes sandwich.
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Even if you don’t take sandwiches on the escalator, watch out for your buns!
Do not stay in escalator entrance, but please walk backwards onto escalator.
I love the taste of fabric in the morning.
Does the clothes sandwich taste like chicken.
For the improper use of danger, you are hereby sentenced to six months of leaning against the side of a secalator.
Wow! It took me so long to read the sign that, by the end, the escalator changed to an elevator. Screw it, i’m taking the stairs before they start telling me to slide up the fireman’s pole!
@algernon 4:14am: It tastes like shirt.
True story: A few years ago, in my early 60s, I went down the up escalator at the mall, because the adjacent down-escalator was blocked. Most of the shops had closed, so few people around – even the security guy who was yelling at me not to do it was impressed that I got to the lower floor safely.
Improper use of dangler on an escalator could be extremely painful!
Alternative readings:
1. Do not kick escalator
2. No upskirting
3. No tap-dancing
4. No farting
5. No skateboarding
6. No diving helmets.
The yellow line has self esteem issues.
I would beware of shoes too.
Contusions = bruises
Conyoesions = Kicks up the ar$e with pointy toe shoes.
A clothes sandwich, is usually called a wedgie.
Several wedgies are wedgietables.
EDIT. Contoesions
@DNT : 5:55am. I’m guessing No Hullabaloo is a given
“Do not be out of of the elevator” → so I am doomed to eternally keep walking the thing in the opposite direction to stay inside it?
The yellow lines have been complaining for weeks…
I’m lost . . . it is an escalator, a secalator or an elevator?
Just show me the lift !
did som one say “SAMDWHICH”?!?!