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I have a fresh beef about aging almost every week.
I have a fresh beef about ageing almost every week.
This beefs a bit tough, must be the age
I waited and I waited
That beef must contain alcohol – it made his eyes blurry!
Customer: Waiter! Where’s the beef I ordered?
Waiter: It will be along any day now, sir.
(Thanx for the idea, algernon.)
The ageing beef population is becoming a real problem in Japan, and there is still no cure for dementia.
It is true, it starts aging the moment it exists.
“Fresh aged beef” would have been more absurd.
“Aged” Tojo. It’s already done it, it’s not still doing it.
After all, it can’t get any older. It’s dead,
Incidentally. That’s why the call them waiters.
@DrLex. But truly that is how it’s described. ie. aged rump steaks.
The fesh steak is hung in a cool room, (not a fridge) and left to age until it goes dark. The normal processs of decay makes them – oh so tender – and the flavour terrific. Provided it is dome by someone, who knows what he is about
….with a side of jumbo shrimp.
The health of the customers had better not be at steak
When it comes to eating aging beef, I would rather not brisket
@Running Comment 0425. So that’s what BSE. is. Bovine dementia.
BDS = Bovine Dementia Syndrome.
1st cow. “Are you worried about Mad Cow disease?”
2nd cow. ‘No! I’m a Wombat.’
This bloke is the head Chef.
The foot Chef, has admitted de feet.
It’s important. Because the steaks are so high.
(stollen from: Cows With Guns){song}
Actually. A cure for aging has finally been discovered.
It’s called DEATH.
At my age. I am not in favour of the proceedure.
Have you ever been goosed by an old cow?
@DnT 0307.. I imagine you would have to ask the ladies I know.
Neatly explains why I’d ordered veal but they served me beef instead.