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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Chang is not our client friend
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Want you around to to give chang
Want to wear but a quality problem.
I like how it starts getting really Buffalo Bill creepy at “wish you were here…” and then snaps out of it with “Their damaga…” lol
“I hope you in side”– that’s what she said!
Maybe chang = rat’s arse.
Quite a lot of damaga has been inflicted on this English.
@DnT 4:40: close, cháng (肠) is intestine or bowel. The arse is just at the end of it.
There was a young man who would swagger
And do balancing trick with a dagger
Until one day he slipped
And cut off his tip
It caused the most gruesome damaga!
Edit: trickS
Is the a guarantee or a list of names for a possible Pink Floyd album?
They want our sides/ribs damaged? That’s a little harsh
Graduate of the Atilla the Hun School of Public Relations.
If you can get any, we’ll smile.
@DnT 0433.. Ah yes. But which side?
Mr. Chang. is on the counter of our Complaints Department.
Next time you speak to him, say: “As a consumer, I DEMAND MY RIGHTS!”
He will probably give you a few “lefts”, to go with them.