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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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This is going to put a damper on Halloween.
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I’m guessing hullabaloo is out of the question
Let’s not civilise
It’s most tannoying.
Uncivilized brouhaha is fine, though.
What courses through the minds of those with agoraphobia.
Someone once asked Mahatma Ghandi what he thought about Western Civilization. He thought it could be a really good idea.
This is what happens when people wear buckets on their heads.
Don’t need to. It visits me often enough.
And see that you don’t, Bub.
Although you can Hire a Horde, for a nominal fee.
H.O.H. Services. China’s leading supplier of unruly gatherings.
Calumny, Riot, and Civil insurrection by the shipload.
It’s the Tower of Babble.
Can I watch it through the Hubbub telescope?
Hmmm.. the last time I ate damper, Aussies didn’t even celebrate Halloween.
Damper = an unleavened bread cooked in campfire ashes or on a hot rock.
“What’s all the hubbub, bub?”
– Bugs Bunny.
@DNT WTF do celebrate Halloween for anyhow.
Last time the kids came round I gave them a lecture on supplanting Australian culture, with americanisms, gleaned from too much TV.
You should’a seen their eyes glaze over. They have never ever come back.
Neat trick HUH?
EDIT: do we
Re damper: @DnT 1725. You should be able to cillect Spinifex seeds to the north of you. (In the Pitjantjatjara lands) Then you can make damper Aboriginal stylee.
Food Culture: Aboriginal Bread – The Australian Museum Blog
apparetlly artifacs prove thaat they have been making “bread’ for over 30,000 years. And are they tired. In fact; THEY MADE IT UNTIL THEY WERE BLACK IN THE FACE.
I just know the Great Spirit will get me for that one. That is the problem with being a Lamington. Both Gods are probably after my ar$e.
Lamington = brown on the outside, white on the inside.
@Marum 1939: Halloween isn’t only celebrated in America. It’s yet another Christian festival with possible pagan connections.
Not much different than Easter in that respect.
@Marum 0324: There is only one thing I don’t like about lamingtons: All that f***ing shredded coconut!
@DnT 0509. Must be the difference in where we grew up. I absolutely love coconut.
BTW. If you have young kids, do as the Aboriginies did. Send them out to collect the seeds. They are lower to the ground. At the average adult height, it is a back-nreaking task. Mode d’ emploi = grind the seeds into a fairly fine flour. I did it by the traditional method. I made a Ball-mill out of a short length of PVC pipe, and put some 0.50 inch ballbearings in it. Then arranged for it to rotate for an hour or so. Actually, up in the north of your state, one can still find the grindstones the Aboriginal… Read more »
Fresh steamed Tuna on a bed of fresh grated Coconut. Washed down with green coconut juice laced with rum. Then Coconut cream for desert.
GOD!! I feel hungry. I think I will put in a share order or two, then sally forth to the Coffee Shop. That is the beauty of being retired. I am now old and fancy free.ie. I can do as I effen well please, when I effen well please. I answer to no man – or woman, for that matter.