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They spelt smorking wrong.
These trees are promiscuous.
That’s o.k. We’re going to “Hooters” later anyway.
I imagine getting deflowered by the wild beasts would be a real problem.
Especially the Centaurs.
Deflowering a tree doesn’t get you a litter! That happens with dogs or cats.
Or so I’m told.
So I can’t do it in the ash?
Makes perfect sense to me.
Do not climb de trees, and do not climb de flowers.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act V. Scene 1.
O wherefore, Nature, didst thou lions frame?
Since lion vile hath here deflowered my dear,
Pyramus then stabs himself with his sword, for crimes against the English language.
And they tell me: “Thisbe where ithappened.”
Redacted text: .Thisbe where it happened
Verily I say unto ye.
When the Lumberjack oileth not the bar, ’tis then that his chopper begins to smoke
But… climbing trees gives me wood!
This is unusual. Everything is spelled correctly. The grammar is good. The words _almost_ mean what the translator thought. He was simply unaware of the idiomatic usage of de+flower as a word that doesn’t exactly mean what the component parts would imply.
@markm 0051 Flowers don’t all grow on trees….You know.
Oh haha, easy job. I have no interest in deflowering whatsoever. I don’t need the flower. I only knead the flour.