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I’m in a clothing store, but I can’t remember why I came.
Funny, you won’t often see men in there.
Hmm… I tried to post a link here and it disappeared.
Something tells me most of the jokes have already been done. Just google “jizz fashion” and you’ll find them. (It was the first hit when I tried)
Pearl necklaces, facials, already covered… so to speak.
Maybe some of this can be worn internally.
Part of the S wank clothing group.
What’s a girl to do.
Look! They have a sale on blue dresses! Call Monica.
Prices are so low, you won’t need to blow a wad there.
It was quite a blow to the staff.
You’d best wear a condom, when trying-on these clothes.
The employees are total wankers.
In summer, if you go in to cool off in the air-conditioning, be careful of the big blower.
BTW. The white dresses, were originally another colour altogether.
We want your return business.
In fact. We welcome your second coming.
It takes balls to come up with a name like that.
Working there must be hard on the staff.
Your security and safety is our prime concern.
All troublemakers will be instantly ejaculated.
Our garment range extends from 6″4″ right down to little squirts.
Mike Hunt shops there all the time.
If we all pull together, the business will be a roaring success.
In fact. No matter what the problem, the management will soon have the matter in hand.
This is it, proof that all decent company names have been used up and copyrighted. Soon we’ll also have Piss and Manure.
@DrLex 0848. Manure right!
Reminds me of a joke about Australia’s very first (paper) $5 note, which bore the image of a good lady named Caroline Chisholm.
When polymer notes of a different design were issued in the ’90s, the paper ones started to become rare.
The joke was, anyone finding a paper $5 could hold it up and shout “This one’s got Chisholm on it!” I thought it was hilarious, the first time I heard it.
The first time.
Oh, and if you don’t get the joke, check the correct pronunciation of that name.
So what’s the rub.
One swallow does not make a spring collection.
“Where’s the Maternity section?”
Employee: Smiles