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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Sounds like a law firm.
I like my wine hirsute.
And etc.
Now that would make me switch from beer.
Liquor in the front……
That’s nothing to wine about!
I assume they don’t have a Brazilian branch.
Wine & so on
Wild, bushy… go on…
Mike Hunt is branching out.
“Please go find Mike Litoras, hiding in the forest, as soon as possible!”, she said.
Japanese gals? Bushy, many. Wild, few.
Filipinas? Wild beyond belief. Not so bushy.
At least in my experience anyway.
@Marum may have more to add.
The hirsute ceramics association.
For all the hairy potters, you can wave a stick at.
@FB 0516. They specialize in both liquor and gambling.
ie. Liquor in the front. Poker in the rear.
@Pete 0610. I think it is because sex is not – something which happens “to them”. They actually “do it”, and put their minds, as well as their bodies, into the task. I never thought of that as “wild”, just happily enthusiastic. At least one is never in doubt, as to whether one is pleasing one’s lady. She will gleefully exhort you, to do even more. As I related with the, “I think the ceiling would look better blue” episode, with the Aussie lady I married….God only knows what Australian ladies are thinking, while you are stoking their fire. Certainly… Read more »
@DNT 5:53am. And his brother Yorick
@ Algernon 4;05am : Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Fellatio.
@Marum 3;50. I’ll set ’em up & you knock ’em down.
@DNT 0420.
Alas poor Yorick I knew him well, a fellatio of infinite zest.
We learned about Yorick, during our skull days.
@Marum: You might want to check the exact quote, mate. Looks like you didn’t quite bone up on it in skull.
@DnT above. Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. What you read was a myriad of puns.As Hamlet was contemplating the skull when he said that.Thus the pun Skull days. You may also note that “knew” was in italics – to totally alter the meaning. Besides. I thought “Hamlet”, was a story about a baby pig. All this mulling upon the temporary nature of life, is pure cant. I would rather have a good glass of Shiraz. I would rather follow the advice of Virgil. ergo: omnia vincit amor et nos… Read more »
For they who cannot decipher my plebeian Latin: Love conquers all things, let us too surrender to love.
@Marum 4:17 pm, “Enthusiastic” is the perfect word. My Pinay enjoyed the act so much, she couldn’t get enough. She threw her entire body, mind, heart & emotion & soul into enjoying the coupling. And you’re right about having no doubt whether her needs were being satisfied or not. No woman in the US or Japan I’d been with before or since, has ever been that loudly vocal about how much pleasure she was receiving. And said so directly during the act. I thought “no woman could possibly be getting off this intensely with me. And yet as hard as… Read more »
@Pete 0628. Yes. The La Filipinos are a strange mix. The don’t like overt displays of affection in public, yet they get miffed if you refer to them as your GF. They are your lover, and they don’t care who knows it. Their fecundity is beyond belief too. I think the average family must be about eight. So for all the young guys – wrap it up really well. Or your lady will get “The Egyptian Flu”. (Soon to be a mummy) BTW I looked it up. The average household is getting smaller in modern times, 4.6 in 2014 ;… Read more »
Yup. I checked Average household 6.5 in 1960. So a figure of 8, would be prettty well, spot on.
@ Pete 0628. My little querido was fantastic at oral sex too. At first try she was a little bit unsure, but she soon became fantastic at it. When I asked her, how come? She told me, that; “As I was so good at it, and she liked it so much, she thought I might enjoy it too.” (That was the most accurate hypothesis, anybody had ever postulated) Then she just observed what I liked most, and went from there. I, of course, did the same with her. That is the great part of being able to read one another’s… Read more »