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Bend your backs, and row me boys,
And take me to the whale.
He may well think he is a Sperm Whale.
I’m a bit concerned about his whalefair.
What is the porpoise of all this?
Sounds like a fairywhale to me.
…you know, one of those cock and whale stories.
Everything is OK until the voices in his head start urging him to krill.
@Running Comment | 4:28 am: I’ve heard those stories. apparently, they can be around 3 metres long. 😛
Well, if you are a 110 foot whale, why shouldn’t you have a ten foot penis??
Tis’ in proportion. No??
Must have a blowhole fetish.
When Bill Clinton joined the Save the Whales campaign, his presence was treated with contempt.
For it was said, that Bill Clinton would be naturally in favour, of any species with a “blowhole”.
fairwhale = farewell (maybe)
Tell me more about fairwhale.
Hell, and fairwhale!
Better than a biased cetacean, anyhow.
Fairwhale = Moby Dick. (The white whale)
@DNT 0630.. I’ll bet you will cachalot of people out, with that one.
Engrish to a fair-thee-whale.
Marum: “Tis’ in proportion. No??” I recall one passage in Moby Dick which was difficult to understand because Melville had to hint around the topic. If I figured it out correctly, it was about making a head to toe protective garment for the guy who had to feed the whale blubber into the rendering pot, from the skin of a certain part of the sperm whale’s anatomy, in one piece with no sewing required. A part that his publisher would not allow him to directly name, so I’m sure we’re talking about the same thing. Since the largest sperm whales… Read more »
@markm: I’d certainly like to see that whale wang… the one with arms. 😀
How did he think the guy was going to feed blubber into the pot, covered from head to toe with a tube? 😕
@ Marum 0634: By George, you’re right! Ahab a feeling that’s where the clothing guy got his brand name.
( In case you didn’t google it, Fairwhale is a clothing brand.)
@markm 0919. Probably varies with the individual, as with humans. I remember reading, that in America’s wild west the hunters used to make tobacco pouches, out of the scrotums of Red-Indians. So naturally, one would choose the biggest ones, I guess.
It certainly would make a nice, stretchy, leather bag.
@Marum 1842: Hence the saying “Scrotum if ya got ’em”. Or something like that.
Let’s start the conversation with a goodbye and end with a greeting!
“Hey Fatty, why aren’t you texting back?”
“What’s up?”