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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Suddenly Laugh
I’ll have what she’s having…
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Must be the oysters
Something must be hanging out.
“A tube below stomach”. Well, that´s another way to say it. But never heard of inner or outer orgasms,
Well, that’s blown my diet!
Oddly enough, the third dish is the only one not in a liquid!
Comes in matching his and hers sizes.
As long as it does not come in a colostomy bag….
Pork in spicy lemon sauce ? How disgusting !
– I am starving…I’ll try the … whatever, the number three.
– Excellent, Sir. Perhaps you would want a whore d’oeuvre before that ?
With #3, make sure you use a condiment.
They have some things mixed up. The inner orgasm is for the pouch below stomach, the outer orgasm is for the tube.
Could I just have some chopped liver ?
Waiter: Sorry sir, the Pork is off.
Customer: So is the rest of the menu.
Look here Bhumipol old chap. I’ll settle for a glass of water. Provided it has not been passed by the Chef.
Actually, I like pig’s liver – with lots of bacon. Bacon makes everything better.
The tube below the stomach is either the duodenum, jejunum or ileum, which leads to bigger things.
Just be specific when you order, we would hate to get the Chef in the $hit.
For all you Espanol or Tagalog speakers, or foodies like me. I had La Lechon for dinner. (Cebu stylee).
It was so good, I woke up at 0251 and had some more cold.
“Careful, this plate may be really hot!”
@DrLex | 5:47 am: “…the outer orgasm is for the tube.” I’m sure British Rail would disagree!
In her orgasm is where one prefers it, but sometimes it happens out her.
I found it was, usually to her great amusement. So then you have a good excuse for another try.
Does it show?
“Do you come here often?”
@DnT 1646. Only when I am perving on one of the horny looking Thai waitresses.
Haha. Just being a smartar$e mate.
When I had my; La Pilipina ang aking tindahan, I had eyes for none other.
OTOH, maybe it’s only gas.
Aka the ‘Pipe Orgasm’
That an orgasm likes to have a tube . . .
not mutually exclusive.