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Not at all
Did I read the sign? Of course not, officer!
Why not
Don’t be noughty!
…because nature abhors a vacuum.
Sgt Hans Schultz was here.
“This makes me feel like a Fireman!”
‘Don’t be silly. Where would you get one at this time of night?’
I would not be climbing my lady’s balcony, if I were getting nothing.
It’s a sign of the climbs.
Would I be committing an off fence?
Do not attempt to get a leg over
– How did it go ?
– ……
CTIRIF = Corking the iron railing is forbidden.
– Something ?
– No, nothing.
– Not even growing a hand in the fence ?
– No, nothing.
Well it’s better than a “no it all”.
You no nothing, Jon Snow.
In other words, something.
What is this I don’t not can’t even
Move along, folks. Something to see here.
I’ve held this view for quite some time actually and am glad to be vindicated. “Nothing” is a noun (a person, place, or THING), so by definition, nothing is some thing. So if you’re doing “nothing” than you really are doing something. And if nothing is there than something is there. So really, there is NO NOTHING and this sign is completely correct.
…BTW, that is not a serious observation, it’s just something I bring up to annoy people. 😛 (and technically- that’s an out-of-date definition of a noun)
It’s a NO to NOTHING.
By logic it must be a YES to EVERYTHING.
I hear nothing, I see nothing, I no nothing!