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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Sudden Laugh! Engrish
These bowls are made for stomping!
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I won’t make my task public
The toilet is always a dance.
I didn’t know this show featured toilets.
I’ve been practising wrapping my Shu sh*t in paper napkins all day, but somehow, thy don’t come out right.
The ancient Shu tith was an ancient, preceramic culture living in present-day Thailand. They appear to have been prepossessed with conserving their faecal matter wrapped in tissue paper for reasons unknown. This practice appears to have been abandoned upon invention of pottery.
Pottery was invented, by the first Kaolin Monks.
And do less Blueman on toilet.
Hey, if the Shu thits, wear it.
Don’t stand on ceremony, stomp on toilet.
I don’t need any more practice! After all these years, I really know my shiat.
Stomp? I’d rather
spankDo the Monkey.Running Comment | 4:59 am: They finally learned how to tell sh*t from clay.
I tried pressing the water and the bowl filled up with buttons!
DnT | 5.44 am: Correct – this was passed down from father to son as part of their oral tradition.
The modern Western style toilet was specifically made to make it easier to review one’s property before flushing it.
What sort of iron does one use to press water?
Review of your property:
Neat and clean
Before leaving,
The bathroom to and hygiene.
— an example of Shu Thit poetry.
Where are the instructions for a public task?
Stomp, Shout, Let it all out!
This is a sign I can do without!
Come on, I’m talking to you, come on!”
“If the Shu don’t thit, you must acquit!”
@Wax Frog: No instructions. Just do your best and get people to vote on the performance.
Review of your property
Neat and clean
Before leaving the bathroom
To and hygiene.
@Spookkym 1734. Maybe it is Thai Haiku. I count 21 silly bowls.
I’d like to see Water Closets (WCs) made of tungsten carbide (WC). These would be strong enough to withstand stomping.
Stomp proof
If Hulk do more stomp on toilet, Hulk smash toilet. Then Hulk have to do business in woods. Hulk hates toilets anyway.