Photo courtesy of Angus Ni. Found in China.
Hung of course
Whoa big fella
There is nothing like a good game of footbrawl.
Hmm. Do debutantes still have balls?
A! U! Yes U.
‘Taint right! … and left.
… and Texas hold’em.
You’d have to be nuts to wear something like that.
@Marum 0430: That would be a whole different kind of “coming out”.
As opposed to its more famous Spanish version, Chinese ball fighting does not result in a lot of visible blood.
@Running Comment 0459. Yes. Just as in the Eskimo ear-pull contest, the protagonist’s nuts are attached to each other’s by a stout cord.
They then place each foot against the other person’s, and commence to try to yank each other’s nuts.
Naturally, the first person to give in, or lose his family jewels, is the loser.
There! That is the real reason Chinese have little slitty eyes.
EDIT Yank each other’s nuts loose.
Someone should get the sack for this!
The later Pink Panther movies had a store proprietor named Auguste Balls.
“Yah bustin’ mah balls!”
Hung of course
Whoa big fella
There is nothing like a good game of footbrawl.
Hmm. Do debutantes still have balls?
A! U! Yes U.
‘Taint right!
… and left.
… and Texas hold’em.
You’d have to be nuts to wear something like that.
@Marum 0430: That would be a whole different kind of “coming out”.
As opposed to its more famous Spanish version, Chinese ball fighting does not result in a lot of visible blood.
@Running Comment 0459. Yes. Just as in the Eskimo ear-pull contest, the protagonist’s nuts are attached to each other’s by a stout cord.
They then place each foot against the other person’s, and commence to try to yank each other’s nuts.
Naturally, the first person to give in, or lose his family jewels, is the loser.
There! That is the real reason Chinese have little slitty eyes.
EDIT Yank each other’s nuts loose.
Someone should get the sack for this!
The later Pink Panther movies had a store proprietor named Auguste Balls.
“Yah bustin’ mah balls!”