Furthermore: Napenda kufanya upendo kwa wasichana wote wazuri.:evil:
5 years ago
Pete. How is your Kiswahili? If it is only a Lion King standard, I will provide a translation.
1. Hello mate. No worries, I would like to try.
2. I would like to make love to all the pretty girls. 😈
5 years ago
(…Pete chuckles in background…)
5 years ago
When I was young, beyond food, drink, directions, etc. The first thing I would learn, is how to seduce a lady. Black white or yellow, or any combination, similar things turn ladies on. After that, the geography is all the same.
Long Tom
5 years ago
Usually, to “do” a woman means to deal with her hair.
Frank Burns
5 years ago
@ Long Tom. That would give a whole new meaning to B T Express’s hit “Do it ’till you’re satisfied”.
5 years ago
@Long Tom 1106.
Q. Then. Why are pubic hairs always curly?
A. If they were straight, you would poke your eyes out.
Do where?
Dry slean al that bleash doing elegant woman
But bleashing is fine if you use capital letters.
If your slean is dry, try a personal lubricant.
Mid-ichlorians (150). Not Jedi material.
I like to wash…does that make me a sleanbag ?
@Running Comment: LOL! (I really did.)
These seem like reasonable requirements for a lady.
I get it. It’s TIGENA for knitwear.
Can’t do ALL the elegant women at the beach?
Oh well. Tigena Matata!
@Pete 0852.
Hujambo mate? Hakuna wasiwasi, napenda kujaribu.
I don’t know that dance.
Furthermore: Napenda kufanya upendo kwa wasichana wote wazuri.:evil:
Pete. How is your Kiswahili? If it is only a Lion King standard, I will provide a translation.
1. Hello mate. No worries, I would like to try.
2. I would like to make love to all the pretty girls. 😈
(…Pete chuckles in background…)
When I was young, beyond food, drink, directions, etc. The first thing I would learn, is how to seduce a lady. Black white or yellow, or any combination, similar things turn ladies on. After that, the geography is all the same.
Usually, to “do” a woman means to deal with her hair.
@ Long Tom. That would give a whole new meaning to B T Express’s hit “Do it ’till you’re satisfied”.
@Long Tom 1106.
Q. Then. Why are pubic hairs always curly?
A. If they were straight, you would poke your eyes out.
Last time I tried to dry a slean, I got injured…
Not suitable for shildren under 18