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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
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Home of neoliberalism
Mein Gott!
I sincerely hope it only means, that they have gold plated bathroom fittings.
Gives you that warm wet feeling.
This has been passed by our maids.
Might be good for washing your Herr in.
For all your urolagnial desires
If you want room service, just give them a tinkle.
Right next-door to the kompromat… er… I mean laundromat.
They’re working for Mel Brooks!
(If you get that reference, please let me know)
A weekend at this place is what hides in the Christmas Bag of Threats.
If you can’t pay your bill, you’re-in-trouble.
We apologise for the incontinence.
They’re obviously taking the piss
You’re incontinent of Asia.
It’s nice to pee into China.
Toupee in the shower, could be hair raising.
They have a pool. Not an ool.
May the c—s of a thousand she-camels, piss upon you effendi.
@Classic Steve. 0815. I always did worry about people who sit at a Pool Bar for four hours, and never once get out for a pee.
Personally, I never go near one. Marinading myself in urine for several hours, is neither my preference, nor my perversion.
The original Chinese means “Golden Rain”.
Bet they have ZERO clue what they REALLY named their establishment!!!
I wonder if this is where President Xi plays with HIS “She”???
Here’s what’s even funnier:
This “Golden Shower” hotel is located in Xi’an.
Which in English is pronounced somewhat close to “She On”.
As in “She On Top”….
(snicker, guffaw, hoot)
“Your Majesty is like a stream of bat’s piss.”
“You shine like a shaft of gold when all around is dark.”
The staff has positronic brains and pisstronic bladders.
If your lady enjoy peeing on you, don’t worry too much. She may be doing it for the same reason that dogs pee on trees.
She is marking her territory.
Is that a chocolate on your pillow?
Nobody doing the “Number one for service” joke?
Okay, then….
@Pete 1019. Thou must needs stop eating Chinese takeaway.
It is affecting thy brain.👲
@Marum | 4:06 am : Yes, I recall reading that the Russians have tapes of some gold-plated bathroom fittings.
Or something. 😉
The perfect hotel bar for getting pissed!
Real article in an old Yoga Journal magazine:
So that’s where Supergirl really stayed, in that infamous comic that became a meme.