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Something dry and gritty then
Hot sand for a sausage
Oh, so that’s why they insist that customers wear shoes!
OK, I’ll bite; what do you get when you cross a banana with a latte?
The yogurt comes with a slice of pi.
Anakin Skywalker disapproves of this menu.
When you are defending your castle, hot sand is as effective as boiling oil.
Pius, there is no mess to clean up later.
@DnT 0605.
If you will forgife my plebian Latin.
Perhaps: Musa Sapientium Macchiato.
Yogurts are just one yen apiece?
Actually: Musa Sapientium Bananadine Macchiato..
Musa Sapientium Bananadine. (Terrorists Cookbook) = Another variation on Mellow-yellow.
@Classic Steve 1340. Yoghurt is a liquid, therefore it does not come in pieces, anymore than elephants come in buckets.
HERE IS ONE OF THE GREAT SCIENTIFIC HOAXES OF THE 20TH CENTURY.. NOTE: One should not butcher science, to make it acceptable to the mentally impaired. THUS: People of my generation remember the mellow yellow drug hype of 1967. It was the big thing in the Summer Of Love in San Francisco. Many reports exist that a natural high could be made from banana peels or the fibers inside the banana. “Mellow Yellow” was a song by Donovan that was suggested to hint about this mysterious banana drug, and thus soon became a synonym for banana joints. But many other… Read more »
There: That should keep you all busy for a weekend or three.
Plus: It has everything a good story needs.
1. Conspiracy theory.
2. Bs. science.
3. Anti establishment propaganda.
4. Sufficient complexity to fkuc the faint-hearted.
Looks like there is enough yoghurt to go around.
BTW. For they who have had the good fortune to avoid the joke:
Q. What is grey and comes in buckets?
A. An Elephant.
I’m just gonna do a 360 and walk outta the store.
@Marum | 5:38 pm: Also: What do you do if an elephant comes through your window?
Swim for it!
@Marum: Re mellow yellow: I’ll pass. Never tried a psychotropic drug that seemed to have a good ratio of beneficial to non-beneficial effects.
My take-away from that story would be never to trust anyone in government.
360 yoghurts for 360 yen.
That’s 1 yen (currently 0.00920974 US$) for each. What a bargain!
Ok, I shall buy all your yoghurts but give me no sand please.
This establishment sells both food and garden supplies.