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Tyansmi-t me now!
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Red point with a Tyansmi-t. Not stand still
I prefer a tie myself
– Beam me up, Scotty !
– Uh….Captain, we have a problem with the scattering facility…
– Can’t you use the information corridor ?
– Sorry Captain, the safeguards are out of security bells.
Hey! I don’t wanna get belted by Security! I’m staying put!
Keep your supenor in your pants. We don’t need that kind of scattering.
I have no idea how to pronounce a word starting in double t.
Scattering, is that some kind of encraption?
Poyi–ttical re-education start at red point.
EDIT: Poli-ttical
@DnT from yesterday’
Tee Secret Dance of The Elephants (from The Jungle Book.
All ye of power, look upon my works and despair.
For all around was ruins and dust, and desolation as far as the eye’s span could cover.
Stollen from Ozymandias. (Who never made me a cake either)
When I was a youngster, And had never made love, I set to a thinkin’, What girls were made of. Were they sugar and spice, Or smokin’ and hot, Calm quiet and detached, Or wild in the cot? So I bedded a couple, And was then that I found, It was a little of both, And halfway around. For the females of ours, Could be either or none, Madly wildly frustrating, Or a barrel of fun. So I paired off with one, And soon we were wed, “Twas then that I found, That romance was dead. So I read through… Read more »
BTW: I did that, for the same reason a dog licks its d—.
(Roll of drums) Because I can.
I was so safely transmitted, that I left as a human, and arrived as a Dolphin.
Which isn’t all that bad. For I now get extra servings of fish every day,
YUMM!!! I always liked fish.
The Trans are smited safely at the red point.
Lost in tyansla-tion.
If this is the ansure, what was the tyansmi- er, question?
This is in case of attack by Tyansmi-suarus Rex.
@Marum | 6:39 am: Treat it the same as a silent P. You’ll feel better afterwards.
In Japan, they tsunami you safely!
Tirami-sue me!