Does it come in burned turkey?
Photo courtesy of Christopher Ryan. Found in Taiwan.
A housewife might buy these if the packaging cauterize.
A rare treat.
Stock up for Halloween!
Used-to-be-animal crackers.
– Waiter, I think I’ll have the burned meat. – I am sorry Sir, our incinerator has just blown a fuse.
Carbon is made at here!
Seems a bit horsey
Tasre like chicken
It’s not so bad if you put enough ketchup on it.
Just like mather used to moke.
Thank heaven for Cajun Cuisine.
Made by a smokin’ hot momma.
a housewife’s job is never done but these biscuits are
Seen next to the Volcano Bakemeat section.
You’ll burn yo meat on yo momma’s sweet biscuits.
Vicar. My wife treats me like I’m a God. Good Lord man! Does she sing your praises daily? No, she presents me with burnt offerings every evening!
Potent carcinogen, anybody?
A housewife might buy these if the packaging cauterize.
A rare treat.
Stock up for Halloween!
Used-to-be-animal crackers.
– Waiter, I think I’ll have the burned meat.
– I am sorry Sir, our incinerator has just blown a fuse.
Carbon is made at here!
Seems a bit horsey
Tasre like chicken
It’s not so bad if you put enough ketchup on it.
Just like mather used to moke.
Thank heaven for Cajun Cuisine.
Made by a smokin’ hot momma.
a housewife’s job is never done but these biscuits are
Seen next to the Volcano Bakemeat section.
You’ll burn yo meat on yo momma’s sweet biscuits.
Vicar. My wife treats me like I’m a God.
Good Lord man! Does she sing your praises daily?
No, she presents me with burnt offerings every evening!
Potent carcinogen, anybody?