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If you had asked me, it would have been at the other end.
Ture her door. Precious
Turely you’re joking.
I am not turely, and I’m Dudley Sirius.
Comes the man comes the woman Ture
Someone’s either getting married or having surgery.
@Marum | 4:02 am: Well, they both involve pumping…
It’s ture love. You can flee it.
“It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.”
I notice having loved and succeeded doesn’t get a mention.
SHE: “Do you really love me?”
HE; “Well I did it five times. Do you want a signed affidavit?”
I keep it in a jar in the refrigerator.
My preciousssssss….!
– Gollum
‘Ture’ is a proper name in Scandinavian countries (Ture Nerman, Ture Rangstrom etc). I had an uncle called Ture…he died from heart failure.
An example of Australian women. I had been in PNG for two weeks working. When I got home, that night my wife asked me. “Hey, you don’t play uo while you are in PNG do yo? What a dumb w question for a woman over 40 to ask. (Actually except for the grog I drank – NO! It is actually the unanswerable question . If you say “NO” you;re a liar. If you answer “YES” you’re a bastard. So having a good imagination, and a good grasp of my native language. I replied: “You must think I’m mad!” – quizzical… Read more »
Runnin Comment 0450.
Heart failture?
Maybe it’s Turandot. Pavarotti bursts in singing Nessun Dorma at 140 decibels.
Which would you prefer: ture love or tube love? 😈
The sign maker has failed the Turing test.
@Running Comment | 4:46 am: They’re talking about a woman’s heart, not her ring! 😛
You may know how to find a woman’s heart, but do you know how to find a woman’s “yet”?
One of my all-time favourite comic stories from the late Justin Wilson.
Don’t worry, it is SFW.- unless somebody misunderstands that cajun accent!
@DNT 0543. Well. Playing that side unexpectedly, should get you an A above High C
“Some love is fire, some love is rust. But the finest, cleanest love is lust.”
(007 in Goldfinger)
A foot fetishist wants her sole.
You forgot the “tor.”
NOTE: In case of a heart attack, use a peacemaker.
I think the woman might want her heart back since she needs it to, like, live and stuff.
Interesting colour choice. The last 2 words could have been written with TURD.
@seventy2rd o clock | 7:41 am: Colt .45??
@Classic Steve | 7:17 am: Maybe a tad tooo subtle. 😉
@Yu No Hoo | 6:27 am: Marum is a cat lover. We know which part of the woman he wants!
Roses are red,
Violets are buel,
Spelling is hard,
I’m going to hell.
Because TortURE Love wouldn’t fit.
Ture love?
Now in the Philippines that’s fair dinkum!
Turo (Tag) = lore; doctrine.
Mahal kita (Tag) = I love you. (romantic)
Ya sa lahat (Tag) = love ya all.
Love all = mahal ng lahat na (Tag)
Timely Freudian slip.
Don’t ask Miracle Max. Even though he’ll admit that ture love is the noblest cause of all, he’ll claim that the almost-dead victim said “to blave”, which as everyone knows means “to bluff”. So he probably owes you money.