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The cock is too wrinkled and needs to be iron .
Something for all the big dicks
Maybe they were thinking of Donald
– Waiter, there’s an irony in my cock!
– Would you like some paradox with that, Madam?
That happens when you BBQ in the nude.
Corned-pork is what you get, when you play leapfrog in the nude.
I would have thought the ladies requested the menu.
I fail to see the irony….
Jumbo cock? Sounds like bull to me!
I don’t order irony unless it’s a little cheeper.
A jumbo’s cock would be an irony-grey colour.
400…. millimeters?
Biggus Dickus approves!
@Algernon | 11:58 pm: That would be bigly ironic!
This must be really hard on the cook.
@DNT 0410. 400mm = 16″.
The ladies would be crying. MERCI
Try it with a twist
Iron Man strikes again
@seventy2rd o clock | 4:54 am: That’s what she said.
Good grief?
“Cock irony?”
The characters simply say “bbq chicken skin on a skewer”!!!
@Pete | 5:56 am: Thanks. I was waiting for a translation.
There must be four skins in each serving.
The irony is that it’s actually small.
Classic Steve 7:04,
That’s why one stick comes with four skins, as DnT pointed out earlier!
Trying to make up volume for size, or something like that, I guess!
@Pete | 8:44 am: “Trying to make up volume for size, or something”. Cheaper than what a lot of guys do, like buy a big truck or a sports car. 😛
Perfect match for the mini dick sarcasm stew?