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Must be selling Volvos.
The dam thing won’t start.
They’ve got all the poplar models.
I’d like to dicker over the price.
Check for a hole in the muff-ler.
Has a pussy under the hood
Would you buy a used car from a beaver
Likes to be upfront about a sale.
Auto or stick?
Branches everywhere!
Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a Beaver,
Everyone played with Mary’s lamb,
But only one man played with her Beaver.
His name is Arthur O’Dent
Open to the general pubic.
BTW. All Beavers are nice.
But some, are even nicer.
Would you buy a car from a Beaver.
I think I would do almost anything, for a really nice Beaver.
I had a close shave in one of these.
I want one with a big back seat.
Beware of used beaver salesman!
Wood you buy a used car here?
I’ve got a bad feeling gnawing at me…..
This beaver looks nothing like Priscilla Presley.
Mike Literous says so
A Beaver’s favourite song.
♫All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth♪
@FB 0459.
More pertinent. Would you buy a used Beaver here?
@Christian 0533.
But its arse looks a lot like Kim Kardashian’s.
Anything with wood trim?
Madame Claude, keeper of Paris brothel for the rich and famous, dies aged 92 Fernande Grudet, as she was born in 1923, ran network of hundreds of sex workers and was subject of several French films Kim Willsher in Paris Tue 22 Dec 2015 23.23 AEDT Last modified on Wed 29 Nov 2017 16.22 AEDT This article is over 2 years old Fernande Grudet, or Madame Claude Fernande Grudet unexpectedly once advised: ‘Never have sex on the first date.’ Photograph: Laurent Rebours/AP France’s most famous brothel keeper, whose clientele included ministers, diplomats and business leaders in the 1960s and 70s,… Read more »
Sales guy: What color would you like to buy?
Customer: We-elll….what colors are available?
Sales guy: Typically, black, brown, red and yellow. But those last two come at a premium. There are a lot fewer of them.
@Christian 5:33 am,
You forgot the apostrophe S.
I stuffed it myself.
@Yu No Hoo 0404.
Mighta’ been a Chevy Nova.
no va (Esp) = it does not go. eg. Mi coche no va. (My car doesn’t go)
@Pete 0613. The four horsemen of the apostrophe?
@Marum 6:46,
I’ll let Priscilla be the judge of that.
Would I!
I always preferred Beaver over Butt-Head.
“Thanks. I just had it stuffed.”
I do believe he’s an eager Beaver.
“Relax Patrick relax. It’s not the end of the sentence.”
Writing limericks is easy peasy,
But the humour is mostly cheesy,
There is a set rhyme,
Which to break is a crime,
But trying to fit a many letters into the last line as you possibly can isn’t always easy.
@Marum 4:33,
There once was a beaver named Jane,
Whom everyone thought was quite plain.
She bought some enhancements,
Now has many romancements,
And now SHE chooses who rides her love train!
@Yu No Hoo | 4:08 am: Wouldn’t want a badly worn bush in the front end, either!
@Lora | 11:11 am: Can’t say I ever tried that position. Sounds uncomfortable!
@Marum | 4:33 pm:
There once was a beaver called Sam
Who always had money in hand.
When I asked “How the ferk?”
He said “I sell my work;
For, you see, I just don’t give a dam!”
Japanese beavers are known for taking a bough.
I think it helps that I do lots of crosswords.
There once was a randy old Beaver,
Who told a young lass he would never leave ‘er,
But after a day or so,
She caught him In flagrante delicto,
For the rodent was a dirty rotten deceiver.
A home center chain in Chicago: https://www.yelp.com/biz/crafty-beaver-home-centers-chicago-2
@DnT 12:20,
Sounds more like yoga to me!
Does it come with a beaver magnet?