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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Is that the final coat?
The finish is sh#t
Best applied over a Urine primer.
Favorite color is brown
We’ll wait until you’ve filled up the can.
You’ve heard of Air Sea Rescue Yellow.
Well this yellow isn’t that one.
Workers should only be fed beans and onions.
Don’t ask them to paper the walls!
Their work stinks.
AKA the Burrito Brothers.
Men’s needs.
So you think your boss is an arsehole?
We also do peinting.
Has anyone rung the number for a quote.
I thought that type of phone number looked familiar. They’re in Sydney, Australia!
After a night out eating curry, they can spray it on from twenty paces.
– Where’s the toilet, Madam? We ran out of brown.
@DNT 0411.
Not necessarily my Mob# stares with 0411 and I’m in Brissie. For landline NSW = 07 STD code.
His brown overalls are in the wash.
Haha. I just rang it. I got a recorded message, but he sounds Asian.
@Marum | 4:14 am: I should have mentioned, after I noticed the mobile number I googled the name. It says Sydney.
Du Du Painting Services Pty Limited – Painting And Coating … – Infobel
https://www.infobel.com › … › Sydney
Du Du Painting Services Pty Limited – Painting And Coating Companies, Sydney, 2071, Fairlight Avenue 24, Australia, Infobel.AU, Infobel.Com.
Appry by splay, blush or loller.
I’ll get you a quote manana.
Mañana es otro día.
Insanee laughter
HOLLY FERK!!” he rang me back.
Great job, lads.
Improve the assthetics of your home.
Don’t forget to fill the cracks before painting.
Happy to be number 2 in the industry.
Guess what our plasterer uses.
@Marum | 4:29 am: Must’ve logged your call.
I’ve met some champion sh*t stirrers in my time.
We can paint your chairs, but we’d rather paint your stools.
I like the way they used corn for texture…….
Don’t you hate runs in your paintwork?
@ Marum 4:02 am
After the first two coats they apply a turd.
They’ll trot on over to du the job for ya!
Just Du It.
♫Do what you du du well♪
When the wearer turns around, we see a chimp face.
Go along the path of the DoDo birds.
A company founded by George H. W. Bush, who used the phrase “deep du-du” when talking on television.
@Pete. Re the coffee a few days ago. Once again we are two countries, this time, not separated by a common language, but by un-common expectations. I could not understand wha.t you meant by a can of coffee. Our machines gurgle away, and make it on the spot. It can’t be that or the can would erupt like a well shaken can of Guiness/a minature Mt Vesuvius, and coat you with scalding froth. Talk about Pyroclastic flows. While I do not suffer from rampant katsaridaphobia. My choice would be, not to imbibe of the body fluids of Cockroaches. Although, to… Read more »
EDIT It cant be that hot
Hehe. About the Cockroaches. So saith the logical engineering side of my brain. The other side feels like chundering.
@BFC 1115. Reverse evacuation. (evolution)
This may help:
Or this:
Hit the button and the hot SEALED can of pre-made coffee drops down.
And yes it is HOT. Pop the top, and you have hot coffee ready to drink.
And a hand warmer in cold weather.
@Pete: Sōdesu ka