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Lyrics by Edgar Allan Poet
I went to the deli and gave them a piece of my mind but they still charged me for the pastrami.
Pastrami be keepin’ it REAL ‘yall!
Poet your mind to the world. It couldn’t make it any verse!
I don’t have a real. What can I get for 78 centavos?
Quoth the Raven “Gimme a Reuben!”
“I’d like an egg cream, two cents plain!”
-Schmuel (Samuel) Adamsewitz
These poets putting them in the corner
Let’s poet
You can’t spell rhyme without rye.
@ Algernon 4:57 am
Poet, because you wouldn’t want to painter yourself into a corner.
Painters go to the Salvador Deli.
Actually. I don’t mind going to the deli.
But which way do I GO, man? The arrow points BOTH ways!
The new taste sensation:
Whirled Peas.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Who you are speak so loudly I can’t hear what your mind poet. THE DELI CAST”.
@UCity 0550. That is why the text is unintelligible.
The bloke who wrote this suffers from two dementias.
Nobody puts Deli in a corner.
They should poetry better.
Maya Angelou before she had her first cup of morning coffee.
“I’m a poet. I know it. I hope I don’t blow it.” – Bob Dylan
I can’t take a rest. I have miles to go, before I sleep,
And miles to go, before I sleep.
@UCity 5:50,
Not so.
One points left.
One points upstairs.