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Show ‘er, Elephant!
Elephant shower. Hard hat required, even though it won’t be of any help.
Brings a new meaning for golden
Let’s drench
It uses the elephant shower on its skin or else it takes the wood again,
I’ll show you my elephant if you’ll show me yours.
It’s OK to shower with your trunks.
Here, I herd you were dirty.
Wood factory apparently takes a lot of drugs.
That’s why another word for “factory” is “plant”
It can take it or leaf it.
My wood don’ need no stinkin’ factory!
Awwww, quit tusking around, Dumbo!
Girl: What’s that you’ve got in your trunk?
Elephant: Something prehensile. Wanna see?
Does an elephant shower in the wood?
It is not dear, it is elephant.
Show ‘er your jumbo.
As long as it can use happily, everything else is irrelephant.
@Marum | 5:19 am: Said the elephant to the naked man: “How the hell do you breathe through that thing??”
Does an elephant use ivory soap in the shower?
A lion is walking through the jungle when it sees a monkey. The Lion roars: “Who’s king of the jungle?” Monkey: “You O mighty Lion. Next he sees a deer: Lion: “WHO’S KING OF THE JUNGLE!” Dee; “You O mighty Lion.” Next he sees an elephant: Lion: “WHO’S KING OF THE JUNGLE!” Well. The elephant picks him up, throws him on the ground, kneels on him, picks him up again, and throws him into the middle of the river. The Lion staggers ashore and says: “Just because you don’t know the correct answer, there’s no need to be a bloody… Read more »
One male elephant to another:
“She gives good trunk, but not great trunk.”
Now HERE is an elephant shower: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=benny+hiill+david+bellamy&view=detail&mid=A243DCB44CD1D0E52AC9A243DCB44CD1D0E52AC9&FORM=VIRE
I don’t think I’d want an elephant showering me with water from its trunk.
Particularly when I think about the fact that the “water” is being sent through the longest nasal cavities on earth.
– I’m Bubble Elephant
– Show me your balls
@Pete: In the Benny Hill episode I linked to, it wasn’t from the elephant’s trunk…
@seventy2nd o-clock: And I have bubble memory, too!
Wonder if anyone knows what that is?
Well for me, Bubble Memory means whenever a distant (or even recent) memory unexpectedly floats up into the forefront of my mind from the depths of my consciousness, and then suddenly goes “POP” and disappears into the mental ethers, leaving me with without a clue as to what it was I just remembered!
@Myself 11:47,
WITHOUT. Not “with”.
Definitely not “with”.
Every time it happens.
The technological definition of bubble memory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_memory
@Yu No Hoo | 5:37 am: Only when it’s in the US and can’t get Imperial Leather.
Yim Yonson!