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Darn, I got billed for personality…
posted on 10 May 2018 in Clothing
The California Raisins finally hit rock bottom…
Photo courtesy of Shienyo Hong.
T-shirt found in Taiwan.
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Careful it might fall off
So a touchy feely type of guy
Q. How do you get unique musicians?
A: U nique up on ’em.
Unique: Derivation from the Latin and Greek.
Unis = one
Equus = a horse.
Unique people? These look like regular human beans.
Sensitive raisins are really thin-skinned.
♪ Atta-aaaak, of the Happy Potaa—toes! ♪
Anyone who likes Claymation but is not familiar with the California Raisins should check out this collection:
Do you have a sensitive personality or just regular fluoride?
Q. Why do women have periods.
A. Because they deserve ’em.
Q. How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb.
A. All of them. For all men will screw anything with a hole in it.
How do you catch a unique people’s? Unique up on ‘im!
Personality may be free, but some people should get a refund.
I am reminded of the “blob people” that were popular in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Veterans of that era include Ziggy of the Tom Wilson newspaper comic and the Little Man who appears in many Pink Panther cartoons.
It is eunuch. It does not have pleasant time. It is sensitive.
@Lora Copy Cat.
Be sensitive, otherwise you could end up broke.