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I’d call it something else
Or just press my butt on.
I am trying to find the button. There are two.
Its rather large
There is a rumor that this button is sometimes difficult to find.
Don’t press too hard or she may put your lights out!
Poor woman, she only has 5 bits of memory.
The magical light will come out of an orifice with all those teeth?
I’m not pressing that button!! Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
How ‘bout your bell?
Can I ring that, too?
WARNING: Design for the children – not suitable for adults!
32 different effects – well, that’s over 18.
I don’t see the light but the music certainly looks cool!
When I pressed mu lady’s button, I got sound not light.
Mu = my
If the red arrow is pointing to her button, the poor girl has a problem!
If you can curl the edges of your tongue upwards to form a circle, (cylinder) it gives you an immediate advantage.
It’s as dark as a dungeon, way deep in the hole.
(Sorry Johnny Cash)
Reminds me of an on-again off-again relationship I had.
Well. I guess you put an LED in the end, and an AA cell or two up your bum. Then you can see what’s up.
Notes with sunnies.
Für eine kleine Nacht Musik.
oder: Für eine kleine licht Musik. (Licht as in bright)
@Dr. Lex 0408.
I thought the perfect woman had: A Hot twot and an empty head.🗢
Oh yes! And a head with a flat top. So you have somewhere to stand your beer during felatio.$#128406;
Damn 🖖
I’ve been pressing her button for 20 minutes and she still hasn’t lit up.
No mate. The children may be the best quality, but I don’t wish to select any of them. I’ll leave that to the priests.
@Christian 6:51,
You need to ask HER how the button should be pressed.
Let her guide you.
Different Doll’s buttons don’t always work exactly the same!
Don’t press her button if you’re just going to lever.
I’m gonna need to see some I.D. before I push any buttons.
Something tells me they don’t mean her belly button.
If she’s a good girl, press her button. If she’s a bad girl, you may need to use a switch.
If you press her button and something lights up, could you be charged with battery?