If they are Hawaiian or Filipino Vikings, the answer is definitely YES!
6 years ago
@Marum 6:46,
6 years ago
@Pete 0722. In greater detai,l mi amigo.
I was wondering if the Japanese could pronounce “sauna”.
Which in typical Swedish fashion is pronounced “sowna”. Or did they invent a word for that too? Or do they just use the traditional Japanese word Like “An onsen (温泉)”
The Aussies don’t get the pronunciation “sowna” either. The Swedes really do sound like the Swedish Chef in the Muppets.
6 years ago
I went a looking and found this: Shiosauna 塩サウナ
Salt sauna. The temperature in the shiosauna is usually around 60°C and in the middle sits a large bucket with salt. The bather rubs the salt onto his/her skin and stays in the shiosauna for 10 to 15 minutes. The salt stimulates the sweat glands and the rubbing is good for the blood flow.
No idea of the pronunciation though
6 years ago
@Algernon 0415. I heard of magician’s son who went Poof, and vanished..
6 years ago
Valhalla is full of friggin dancing poodles.
Whatever happened to buxom blond wenches, with tankards of beer..
6 years ago
@Marum 7:45, The word Sauna in Japanese is pronounced “Sow-Naa”. With the “sow” sounding like the word for a female pig, not the action of sowing seeds into the ground. In other words, it rhymes with “Chow”, “Now”, etc. With the “naa” rhyming with the first syllable of “Knowledge”. And they never use “onsen” for “sauna”. One involves getting into hot natural spring water. The other uses dry heat. And they definitely prefer the former (onsen) to the latter (sauna). They have saunas in Japan. I’ve never seen them in use. But I guess they must, otherwise the saunas would… Read more »
6 years ago
@Marum 7:52, Shio is the word for salt. English pronunciation would be “shee-oh”. Unfortunately a different character is also pronounced Shio and means “tide”. This one’s often found in the name of seaside towns. Or ocean currents…like the Pacific “kuroshio”…”black tide”. I’ve never seen a Shiosauna. But I’ll believe anything at this point. A better experience? A “Sunayuu” (Sand Bath). Some Japanese beaches have volcanically heated hot springs right underneath the beach. You lie flat and get buried up to your neck with a “sand pillow” under your head for neck comfort. At first, it just feels like warm sand.… Read more »
6 years ago
@Marum 8:13,
Glad I’m not Scandinavian, mate!
Makes me ALMOST prefer to turn jihadi and blow myself up just to get 72 virgins.
Note I said “ALMOST”.
6 years ago
People dress their animals in clothes because they are very delusional and think their pets are just like little humans. But they’re not little humans, they’re animals!
For example, my cat likes to put a pinch of catnip in his morning cup of coffee.
6 years ago
Who gets to be Fenris?
Droll not Troll
6 years ago
@Lora | 10:09 am: Hehe! People need to ask themselves: “Would I like to eat raw mouse (or bird) and then crap in a litter box”? Anybody who answers “Yes” should definitely not keep pets!
2 of our cats thought Vegemite smelled appetising. Then they tasted it and didn’t come back for more!
6 years ago
@Lora 10:09: I wonder what would happen if someone actually managed to feed coffee to their cat. Or worse, to a Jack Russell.
6 years ago
@DrLex 3:46,
Feeding coffee to a Jack Russell would be inadvisable.
Unless done inside the confines of a Lubba Ward Loom.
(As it’s known in Engrish.)
I see a Viking, but where’s the Poodle?
Just add puddle
And poof they become greyhounds
Fog rides a llama
I suppose the poodle at the lower left is riding a Norse.
Inspired by the tails of Norse mythology.
So that was the poodle’s core !
Magic learned from the great Hairy Houdini.
I thought Viking shipbuilders got rid of the bark.
Hey kids! Watch me pull a blood angel out of a hat!
In Japan the word “Baikingu” (Viking) means an all-you-can-eat buffet.
They call it “Viking” because they couldn’t pronounce the original Swedish word “Smörgåsbord”.
My Smörgåsbord is full of poodles.
Combining Vikings and poodles is taking things a bit too fur.
That’s some serious septuple doggy-style action going on there.
@Pete | 5:10 am: My longboat is full of magic.
People who dress up poodles in clothes, have to be demented.
Pete 5:09am: Do the Vikings chant “Spam! Spam! Spam!” when they eat their buffet?
@Pete. How do the Nips go with Sauna (pron sowna)
The Aussies can’t do that one either.
Why dogs bite people.
Or this one http://3113.com/cute_pet_costumes/cute_pet_costumes.html
All dogs go to Vallhalla.
@BFC 5:55,
If they are Hawaiian or Filipino Vikings, the answer is definitely YES!
@Marum 6:46,
@Pete 0722. In greater detai,l mi amigo.
I was wondering if the Japanese could pronounce “sauna”.
Which in typical Swedish fashion is pronounced “sowna”. Or did they invent a word for that too? Or do they just use the traditional Japanese word Like “An onsen (温泉)”
The Aussies don’t get the pronunciation “sowna” either. The Swedes really do sound like the Swedish Chef in the Muppets.
I went a looking and found this: Shiosauna 塩サウナ
Salt sauna. The temperature in the shiosauna is usually around 60°C and in the middle sits a large bucket with salt. The bather rubs the salt onto his/her skin and stays in the shiosauna for 10 to 15 minutes. The salt stimulates the sweat glands and the rubbing is good for the blood flow.
No idea of the pronunciation though
@Algernon 0415. I heard of magician’s son who went Poof, and vanished..
Valhalla is full of friggin dancing poodles.
Whatever happened to buxom blond wenches, with tankards of beer..
@Marum 7:45, The word Sauna in Japanese is pronounced “Sow-Naa”. With the “sow” sounding like the word for a female pig, not the action of sowing seeds into the ground. In other words, it rhymes with “Chow”, “Now”, etc. With the “naa” rhyming with the first syllable of “Knowledge”. And they never use “onsen” for “sauna”. One involves getting into hot natural spring water. The other uses dry heat. And they definitely prefer the former (onsen) to the latter (sauna). They have saunas in Japan. I’ve never seen them in use. But I guess they must, otherwise the saunas would… Read more »
@Marum 7:52, Shio is the word for salt. English pronunciation would be “shee-oh”. Unfortunately a different character is also pronounced Shio and means “tide”. This one’s often found in the name of seaside towns. Or ocean currents…like the Pacific “kuroshio”…”black tide”. I’ve never seen a Shiosauna. But I’ll believe anything at this point. A better experience? A “Sunayuu” (Sand Bath). Some Japanese beaches have volcanically heated hot springs right underneath the beach. You lie flat and get buried up to your neck with a “sand pillow” under your head for neck comfort. At first, it just feels like warm sand.… Read more »
@Marum 8:13,
Glad I’m not Scandinavian, mate!
Makes me ALMOST prefer to turn jihadi and blow myself up just to get 72 virgins.
Note I said “ALMOST”.
People dress their animals in clothes because they are very delusional and think their pets are just like little humans. But they’re not little humans, they’re animals!
For example, my cat likes to put a pinch of catnip in his morning cup of coffee.
Who gets to be Fenris?
@Lora | 10:09 am: Hehe! People need to ask themselves: “Would I like to eat raw mouse (or bird) and then crap in a litter box”? Anybody who answers “Yes” should definitely not keep pets!
2 of our cats thought Vegemite smelled appetising. Then they tasted it and didn’t come back for more!
@Lora 10:09: I wonder what would happen if someone actually managed to feed coffee to their cat. Or worse, to a Jack Russell.
@DrLex 3:46,
Feeding coffee to a Jack Russell would be inadvisable.
Unless done inside the confines of a Lubba Ward Loom.
(As it’s known in Engrish.)