One of the girls schools in Brissie a few years ago had a weekend flasher.
As you can imagine, on Sunday arvo things are a bit quiet for the boarders.
So. The girls were there with score cards like the High-divng.
The police spokesman said; “The girls should not encourage these men.”
I imagine, that if he only ones and twos, it would do the opposite of encouraging him.
6 years ago
EDIT If he only got ones and twos,
Big Fat Cat
6 years ago
Definition: A collection of exhibition things is called an EXPOse!
Droll not Troll
6 years ago
@Marum | 4:11 am: I think you will find that the similarity with tennis ends, the first time you hit a ball over the net! 😯
6 years ago
OK, I think I’ve waited long enough to go ahead and ruin the fun.
The Japanese just says “Please don’t touch items on exhibit.”
But, you folks already knew that.
Leading right to my oft repeated “just pay a gaijin $50 to translate accurately, ya Islander cheapskates” argument.
6 years ago
Exhibition Thing:
“Not able to touch a hand?? NO!!! I demand the freedom to touch whatever I want whenever I want! Oh, come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I’m being repressed!”
Japanese Exhibition Director:
ばかやろう, だまれ!
(Shut up you bloody peasant!)
6 years ago
I will invite you onward. (old time Euphemism for seppuku)
(‘Twas only a guess. I may have that incorrectly wrotten)
6 years ago
BTW. Conversely….I am too cheap, to pay a nip to translate that for me.
6 years ago
@Marum 4:58,
That doesn’t sound right.
以降のご招待 sounds more like “an invitation for later”, rather than “I invite you to the beyond”, which I think is where you were aiming.
Its all in the eye
Show me where the bad hand touched your exhibition thing.
Perhaps its the Palmer family
Neither a flasher nor a pervert be.
Actually, nothing comes to hand, let alone mind.
Lemme get my shoes off then…
– Excuse me, exhibition thing, could you please be unable to touch a hand?
– You stupid human thing, don’t you see I’m an object?!
Apparently, it’s just like tennis.
Forehand, backhand, Forehand, backhand, Forehand, backhand, Forehand, backhand, juice.
@Yu No Hoo | 4:09 am: I sense mischief afoot!
Can I ask an exhibition thing to pull my finger?
Upgrade plans for Tesla’s autopilot?
It’s a thing of the past.
Exhibition Prohibition.
@ Droll 4:11 am
Oh I don’t plan to miss, chief.
I never could understand Yoko’s poetry.
Exhibitionists display no inhibitions.
One of the girls schools in Brissie a few years ago had a weekend flasher.
As you can imagine, on Sunday arvo things are a bit quiet for the boarders.
So. The girls were there with score cards like the High-divng.
The police spokesman said; “The girls should not encourage these men.”
I imagine, that if he only ones and twos, it would do the opposite of encouraging him.
EDIT If he only got ones and twos,
Definition: A collection of exhibition things is called an EXPOse!
@Marum | 4:11 am: I think you will find that the similarity with tennis ends, the first time you hit a ball over the net! 😯
OK, I think I’ve waited long enough to go ahead and ruin the fun.
The Japanese just says “Please don’t touch items on exhibit.”
But, you folks already knew that.
Leading right to my oft repeated “just pay a gaijin $50 to translate accurately, ya Islander cheapskates” argument.
Exhibition Thing:
“Not able to touch a hand?? NO!!! I demand the freedom to touch whatever I want whenever I want! Oh, come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I’m being repressed!”
Japanese Exhibition Director:
ばかやろう, だまれ!
(Shut up you bloody peasant!)
I will invite you onward. (old time Euphemism for seppuku)
(‘Twas only a guess. I may have that incorrectly wrotten)
BTW. Conversely….I am too cheap, to pay a nip to translate that for me.
@Marum 4:58,
That doesn’t sound right.
以降のご招待 sounds more like “an invitation for later”, rather than “I invite you to the beyond”, which I think is where you were aiming.