Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Then it is fine.
Can I get that with nerd?
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Is it like spotted dick
But did the dork deserve it
Surely the stewed dork comes with meatballs?
Stewed dork is good with a knob of butter.
I will have the cucumber please.
Dig in!
I would imagine turbot is rather rare in China.
reference:The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a species of flatfish in the family Scophthalmidae. It is a demersal fish native to marine or brackish waters of the North Atlantic, Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
£10.15 /portion or £40.60 / Fish
As a guide 1 fish (av.1.4kg) of fish feeds 4. £29.00/KG
(each portion is roughly 350g before preparation, the method will effect the final weight you receive).
Fish vary in size, the invoiced weight of your fish will be within + or – 10% of your ordered weight.
Yield indicators are an estimation.
Price in Rondon Engrand.
Far canal!. It would take more than one fish to feed me.
Fun fact: “Dork” was originally a term for a whale’s penis.
The stewed dork is for members only.
The flod parsley is partially flawed.
Who is Flod Parsley, and what does she do with that cucumber?
Someone had a beef with the dork; he didn’t mince words, and the relationship could not be preserved.
@BFC 0511. OK sir. Brace yourself! Here it comes!
Naw, dork’s too high in fat.
Do you serve steamed doofus here?
Yeah I had that once.
Tastes like chicken.
His name was Stewe.
– Got any Elvis Parsley?
The whale’s penis mightier than the sword!
– Waiter! This Stewed Dork tastes very unpeasant!
Don’t the 汉子 in “flod parsley” mean “cilantro”?
Dork: the other white meat.
@seventy2rd o clock | 7:58 am: I don’t think he ever performed with Pink Flod.
@CSteve 4:46:
Actually the Chinese characters say “White Meat” for the por…
…I mean, dork.
Hey nerd, if you don’t make the football team, we can always have you for dinner.
That probably really was on restaurant menus in China during the Great Leap Forward.
Thankfully, they’re able to provide this food because enough crops survived the flod.
I prefer the medium-rare Reef.
Perhaps Fried Jerk with Catsup?