Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Whatever pussy wants
posted on 27 Mar 2018 in Bags/Packaging
I’m getting negative feedback from the dog…
Photo courtesy of James Ostrander.
Tote bag found in Nagasaki, Japan.
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Where are the rest of the cats?
I think I’ll just do it quickly later, thanks.
Slowly or soon?
And leave the position to wind.
I once saw my cat try to catch a bird. But it got away because my cat was not fast enough.
What fart
The catz escaped
I always do it slowly.
But it is much later when I finish.
Are we in for a cat-alogue of tote bags?
An Alien is showing an Earthing how they reproduce. So the Alien mixes several chemicals in a test tube, then in 50 minutes a microscopic is formed. “Now.” says the alien. “We only have to nourish it, and in a few years we have a juvenile of our species.” So the Earthling calls in his GF, and they go at it hammer and tongs for an hour. When they are finished the Alien asks: “What happens now?” ‘We now wait 9 months the Earthling answers.’ “But!” The Alien exclaims. “If you have to wait 9 months, what was all the… Read more »
It’s done in two shakes of a cat’s…..
It’s a bit of a cat-22.
Slowly, slowly, cat she monkey.
What a cat-astrophe.
He ate them all.
That’s why he can’t stand up.
Too full!
Why an issue?
Because it’s the key unanswered question in human procreation.
What a mystery.
Someone needs to give this cat a tonic.
You mean petting. I hope you mean petting.
I think the cat means euthanizing the dog that’s behind him. He wants you to do it soon, but slowly so he can sadistically watch the dog die.
“I like to watch….”
This rooster is walking along the bank of a creek. Suddenly he sees a fat worm and bends down to grab it. Then he enjoys his meal. Unbeknown to the rooster, simultaneously a cat was stalking him, intending to eat him for lunch. At the moment the rooster bent down to grab the worm, the cat sprung. The cat flew over the rooster into the creek. The cat struggles ashore and lies down panting to dry out. Meanwhile the rooster walks off singing to itself. THE MORAL OF THE STORY: Every time you see a wet pussy, you will also… Read more »
Hurry up! But do it slowly.