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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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This fire is not fire.
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There will now be no term limit for fires.
Fire extinguishers are in!
Tell its not so
WARNING: In case of fire, leave it alone, take many photos and videos and send them to our advertising agency for our new SS2018 ‘Let It All Burn’ fashion edition
I’d be careful of hand grenade
“Did you hear of the Catholic Priest who was charged with arson?”
‘Was he lighting up little fires?’
“No! He was lighting up little boys.”
Inflammatory statements are forbidden!
Our illustrious chairman instructs, that all fires are to be approached from the left.
Anyone approaching them from the right, shall be beaten to a soggy pulp, by the Red Guards.
We recommend keeping your Windows closed.
Who knew Smoky the Bear was a commie?
The pen may be mightier than the sword, but it is not more effective than the fire hose.
Please print communist slogans on fireproof paper only.
In order to reduce electrical fires, all short circuits will be lengthened by 3 cm.
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.
@DNT 0622.
No amount of lengthening would have helped Swissair 111, which crashed due to an electrical fire. The aircraft was broken into 2 million pieces, due to a 360G impact with the ocean off Nova Scotia.
@Long Tom.0531.
The pen may well be mightier than the sword….But only posthumously.
Also, it is good policy, to not tell the bloke holding the sword.
Department of Propaganda?
I guess we found the REAL “fire distinguisher” !!
Smokey the Bear: only The Ad Council can prevent forest fires.
@Pete: RE weird names.
That Mike Literst pans out. I’ve seen references to a Mike Litoris but I want to see the birth certificate on that one.
The horse’s name is intended to come out as “Buggered if I know.” Apparently that expression isn’t well known outside Australia. (and maybe UK)
@DnT 2;52:
Ya gotta admit it’s not everyday you’re listening to the news on the radio as you drive to work and suddenly you hear what sounds just like “My Clitoris” as you’re driving. I’m just glad I didn’t get into a fender bender!
Those of us Yanks with exposure to Oceania or the British Isles know what “buggered” means. But I’d wager the average “Murican has never heard it. But would figger it out lickety split.
I did once see a cartoon in the “Chicago Reader” (a free alternative newspaper) showing a cartoon where a tied-up man is forced by pirates to walk the plank and fall into the ocean. One pirate says afterward, “Drat! We forgot to bugger him!”
I’d rather have the Department of Fire
for Prevent Propaganda