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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish for Humor Times...
Final worms are pretty cool…
posted on 22 Mar 2018 in Signs
Hey, I know some Hindus who are wret hed…
Photo courtesy of Lindze Merritt.
Found on wall of Karaoke bar in Tokyo.
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Backward steps won’t save your soles.
Words a phrases in no particular order
Zero Christians? I expect there are a few more true Christians than that. The millions who only pretend to be Christians don’t count.
The worms final form worries me
Tell the cook her grub is imperfect, and watch the butter fly!
”Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,(with big yawning)
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee … ”
Onward Christian Soldier is now taking a backward step.
Pride Tonic is infamous for its runaway rainbow color.
A pride tonic is good for those who are lion about their lives.
@ algernon 4:09 am
A worm’s final form is bird splatter.
Is that final form in the bottom of a bottle of tequila?
Pride Tonic is the missing link between karaoke and Dante Alighieri.
This tonic is a cure for what hails you.
Like Caterpie?
I Dante think they understand the quote.
Although being stuck in a Tokyo Karaoke Bar probably would count as a form of purgatory.
Backward Christian Soldiers
Sick and cannot see
Grub imperfect Wret Hed
Final worm will be
That’s not much of a recommendation to be christian.
I remember the joke about the song sung during the 1991 Gulf War:
“Onward, Christian Soldiers!”
It’s an artistic masterpiece titled “Japanese T-shirt pasted to a wall.”
BTW I finally had time to translate the “Sense Up” wipes post from a few days back. Busy time. Apologies for the delay.
@Pete 1016.
Thanks for the translation hombre. Muchos gratias.
I added a few engineering comments to your translation, It may give you an insight into the normal company BS, routinely disseminated to an unsuspecting populace
If I am to be reincarnated, I would rather it be as a Dolphin, rather than a worm.
If that’s all right with you Boss.
Not that I have anything against worms.
They’re fine people.
All of ’em.
wretched: synonyms: miserable, unhappy, sad, brokenhearted, heartbroken, grief-stricken, grieving, sorrowful, sorrowing, mourning, anguished, distressed, desolate, devastated, despairing, inconsolable, disconsolate, downcast, down, downhearted, dejected, crestfallen, cheerless, depressed, melancholy, morose, gloomy, glum, mournful, doleful, dismal, forlorn, woeful, woebegone, abject, low-spirited, long-faced; More
I larvae that quote.
Hey! It’s not “Baking Paper” is it?
The stuff you line cake tins with.
♫The worms go in,
And the worms go out,
Into your eyes,
And out of your snout♪
My wret hed head sees a missing c.