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Cousin of Barbie Grill.
So we made him a soup
When Auntie finds out, Uncle Bob will really be in the pho!
Are you sure
I said I’d like to eat Vietnamese tonight, but I’d rather it was someone I’m not related to!
This place is relatively new.
– Waiter! Is that an authentic iPho?
The one in New York is the Pho-ny.
We serve broils and grills here.
The bottom line on the sign is the pho number.
– Waiter! I ordered a cousin and you brought me a chicken!
– Well, it’s a chicken’s cousin, Sir.
Their food has a familiar taste to it.
After eating Pho and Grill, you have a Photo session with Girls.
The Asian Abbott and Costello..
Hoo cooks the flied lice.
@72rd 0449.. A chicken’s cousin?
Would that be a cluckold?
And since I’m in the neighborhood (RELATIVELY speaking, that is), do I wanna try out their food?
Well, Pho Sure!
It may even be a lot of Pho’n.
@ Marum | 8:26 am: It’s relative …
Ever had that Vietnamese fermented fish sauce they put in the soup and on the spring rolls?
Well, it smells just like something else and tastes somewhat like it, too.
Pure genius, those Vietnamese.
Best way to prep a boy to please his ladies later on in life!
A foodie co-worker tells me the place is Pho-nomenal.
Pho, not faux.
There are lots of international cousins here in my metro area.
Cousins not just from Vietnam, but Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Uyghur, Thai, Laotian, Burmese, Indian, Sri Lankan, Pakistani, Iranian, Lebanese, Saudi, Yemeni, Ethopian, Eritrean, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Georgian (former Soviet), Spanish, Salvadoran, Honduran, Peruvian, Bolivian, etc., etc., etc.
We even have cousins from regional parts of the large countries, like different parts of China, different parts of India, etc.
You name it, we gots cousins from there around here.
Engrish ABOUNDS locally.
If Sen. Elizabeth Warren adopted a Vietnamese daughter I guess she could be named Pho-cahontas.
There is a play called “Our American Cousin” which was very popular in the nineteenth century, and is most famous for the one Abraham Lincoln had seen when he was assassinated.
The restaurant title made me think of that.
The family that owns that restaurant really uses their noodles!
No,he just has jaundice.
– Asian Cousin, please.
– A relative, Madam?
Pete: Actually it was in fact very wrong of Trump to call Senator Warren “Pocahontas”. Pocahontas was a genuine American Indian! Unlike the college professor a few years ago who claimed he was an American Indian, and the real American Indians said that he was a fibber.
I say cousìn, you say cuisine, let’s call the whole thing off.
Well, as long as you’re kitchen cousins, I guess it’s ok…
Asian cousin? Pho sizzle?
I did see a restaurant (which I never patronized) with the name “Noodles Pho U”. I assume this sign was an actual error, especially if a non-native English speaker made it.
@Long Tom | 8:38 pm: Assuming it was a Vietnamese restaurant, it’s probably a play-on-words, as pho is the name of the soup and also part of the name of the rice noodles in it.
This Aussie comedian: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anh_Do is just the sort of guy who would make up a business name like that.
@Long Tom | 4:35 pm: Actually, …”it was in fact very wrong of Trump…” and….. we’re done! 😛
I hear this restaurant serves chocolate aunts.
@Droll Not Troll: You’re right. It’s very wrong of Trump to revive the US economy and put people back to work, to defeat ISIS, and build the Mexico border wall so that Mexico can no longer dump its problems on us.
Q: What do ya call it if you spill Vietnamese beef noodle soup all over your foot?
A: Photoes.
I think it’s a maths tutorial centre.
They just misspelt “cosine”