When making telephone call in an entrance hole, use plenty of lube.
Droll not Troll
7 years ago
Can I smoke in the floor?
Yu No Hoo
7 years ago
Sorry, I butt-dialed you by mistake.
Droll not Troll
7 years ago
Give him a telephone call in an entrance hole, and stop being such an exit hole!
Seventy2rd o clock
7 years ago
Temperature should use a room temperature.
Droll not Troll
7 years ago
Translator should use a translating room. I understanding-wish-do.
7 years ago
Is there a Futurama-type room for NewNew Snoo-Snoo?
Long Tom
7 years ago
Violation of any of these rules and local law enforcement will use their batons to enter your exit hole.
“Oh, CRAP…”
Seventy2rd o clock
7 years ago
– Hello, I’m calling from an entrance hole at the time of an ON store that manners mode may set up beforehand. Therefore I decided the use of the phone in a cellular booth as prohibition, but only if smoking in a booth will not consider as prohibition.
– I cooperation-wish-do so, Madam.
7 years ago
I have put Mars Bars in an entrance hole….But never a mobile telephone.
7 years ago
If you prohibit the use of an entrance hole – you are being an exit hole..
7 years ago
Help! My entrance hole is smorking! Please dispatch wish-to-do Fire compartment at NEWNEW,
Cellphone in an entrance hole? Oh, I’ve seen that video!
Big Fat Cat
7 years ago
Smoking with an Apple Iphone may cause explosion at entrance hole and , therefore, prohibited.
7 years ago
FYI: The actual Japanese says “Entrance HALL”!
7 years ago
@Pete above. So! If your name is Hall, you may enter free.
I imagine you would have a hall of a good time.
7 years ago
Entrance Hall = foyer or Robby?
6 years ago
Just stick it in there and set it to vibrate! Go on Stevia, that name reeally suits you, you know before I met you I always thought that the natural sweetener known as Stevia, really just sounded like a butch lesbians name.
So can I smoke with a cellular phone
So whats on in the hole
NEWNEW is the new new.
When making telephone call in an entrance hole, use plenty of lube.
Can I smoke in the floor?
Sorry, I butt-dialed you by mistake.
Give him a telephone call in an entrance hole, and stop being such an exit hole!
Temperature should use a room temperature.
Translator should use a translating room. I understanding-wish-do.
Is there a Futurama-type room for NewNew Snoo-Snoo?
Violation of any of these rules and local law enforcement will use their batons to enter your exit hole.
“Oh, CRAP…”
– Hello, I’m calling from an entrance hole at the time of an ON store that manners mode may set up beforehand. Therefore I decided the use of the phone in a cellular booth as prohibition, but only if smoking in a booth will not consider as prohibition.
– I cooperation-wish-do so, Madam.
I have put Mars Bars in an entrance hole….But never a mobile telephone.
If you prohibit the use of an entrance hole – you are being an exit hole..
Help! My entrance hole is smorking! Please dispatch wish-to-do Fire compartment at NEWNEW,
That store is a little off.
Cellphone in an entrance hole? Oh, I’ve seen that video!
Smoking with an Apple Iphone may cause explosion at entrance hole and , therefore, prohibited.
FYI: The actual Japanese says “Entrance HALL”!
@Pete above. So! If your name is Hall, you may enter free.
I imagine you would have a hall of a good time.
Entrance Hall = foyer or Robby?
Just stick it in there and set it to vibrate! Go on Stevia, that name reeally suits you, you know before I met you I always thought that the natural sweetener known as Stevia, really just sounded like a butch lesbians name.