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I recognize some of those letters.
I’ll have the Trump T
I think parts of ‘E’ simply fell off due to bad printing.
It is actually Mickey Mosul – Imshallah. (may his name be praised)
I guess he’s a rot
“Gee willkers Annette! You say you are a virgin, but you have a couple of grooves in your hymen.”
‘Yes Ken. That’s where Mickey had a try.’
@72rd 0405.
Nein. It is Mick F–k You Mouse.
The fairy godmother enabled Cinderella to go to the ball.
But she warned her.
“If you are not home by midnight, your vagina will turn into a pumpkin.”
Cinders rocks home at 0200 grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
FG: “Didn’t you heed my warning?”
“She’s apples.” giggles Cinders. “I went with Peter Peter.”
FYI in case you are too old to remember:
This would look good with my Tow and Jerky cap.
I guess the graphic on the red shirt is a TPFF, then.
The Chinese government is fanatical about censoring letters.
Highly accurate with your mouth full of cotton candy.
Do you have anything with Mignnfie Mousl?
That’s a conspiracy from Universal to defame Disney.
In high school, one man at our lunch table told the following joke:
Q: What’s red, round, and has seven dents?
A. Snow White’s cherry! (Trademark sarcastic laughter.)
He: “I hear you’re still a “cherry” my dear.”
She: “I wouldn’t be so rash as to claim that! But I still have the box it came in.”
Seems Scroogf McDuck’s hoarding his letter E’s.
Mickify Mosul?
Didn’t W. Bush already try that and fail?
That 3rd letter looks an awful lot more like a “G” than a “C” to me.
As in “M-I-G…”.
Does this actually suggest we MIG-ify Mosul?
‘Coz it seems to me Comrade Pooty-poot has already gotten a jump on us with this one…
Pazhalsta, Tovarich.
There’s something Goofy about this shirt…
@Pete: But H. Obama succeeded very well in USUS-ifying Mosul.
By that talented cartoonift, Walf Disnly.
Meanwhile Minnfy is wearing a blousl