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Where you lose weight by liptosuction?
Who wants a fat lipt?
Bloats ariound
Gives a wing of confidence
Sponsored by Mick Jagger.
I think this is Lip Ting Wong.
I only go there twice a mouth.
Good for having mussels.
Fumping iron.
I want some Lifton Tea as a lipt me up.
Work out there long enough and you’ll become a Beepcake.
It’s all liftstick on a pig, if you ask me.
The subtitle should read: “I love the Olypics”
I’m no muscleman. I’m always just liptin’ tea.
Is this the Thing area transacts center?
@UCity 7:47:
Shouldn’t that be “Liftstick on a FIG?”
Speaking of Liftstick, Honey Pie, I gots just the RIGHT lift-stick for youz RIGHT HERE….
Someone took too many spheroids.
@Pete | 7:18 am: For some reason, I suddenly have a mental image of an over-muscled road-runner! 😀
Weightlifting and power-lifting were my sports from age 12 to 50.
I now realise that I was doing it all wrong.
@Pete 0350. That was how I used to torture my querida. I would make her stand on tippy-toe for ages. However, she learnt to counter that, by putting her arms around my neck to take her weight, and then wrap her legs around my waist, so I could do nothing. Then she would “butterfly” with her lamazing muscles, until I surrendered.
All’s fair in love n war. 😜
@Pete. Kotaku has made a game for this.
It doesn’t morally outrage me. (little would, for I take the Freudian view of such things).
But it does appall me. There is a time and a place for such displays of skill. But to play video games with it.
It would be like me taping my penis to the joystick, and using my pelvic floor muscles to guide an aircraft.
Flight Simulator of course – not for real. (hopefully)
Just for keeping pit.