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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Make your Bingyu dream come true!
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Passengers start full, but rough seas will soon change that!
Is drive-by machining a big problem around here?
Warning: Beware of over-active apostrophes.
Passenger dissatisfaction within 20 minutes guaranteed!
You need to bring your AAAA batteries if you want to Bingyou.
Fish & Ships
7. … to be continue’d.
… a nd don ‘ t theships. Bing yu for understanding!
@Seventy2rd o clock | 5:13 am: Efficient ships?
After the ship stopped, the row began.
Re #5: at least it’s not a dictator-ship.
Passengers start full.
Passengers finish empty.
Seasickness wins again.
The reason Rule 7. was not finished was, the signwriter had to go for a chunder, and fell overboard.
Go To “Bingyu Gou”!
This national park in Dongbei or north-east China, halfway between Dalian and Dandong, has an AAAA rating and it’s well-deserved. I took 450 photos and 400 were fantastic. The scenery is breath-taking. The cable car to a mountain peak was thrilling. A beautiful, clean, clear, green river winds through a gorgeous gorge surrounded by mountain peaks.
Gleat Chinesee Lip orf. Translation = Toulist tlap. Lodging in the park My wife and I spent a day and one night at the park in Bingyu Valley in April 2011. Due to 1st May Labor day, the park was quite crowded. We were almost the only non-Chinese in there. After arranging a reservation from Dalian for a night at the park (as suggested by Lonely Planet guide) with the help of our Dalian hotel staff, we took an early direct bus to Bingyu park entrance. On site, it was no longer possible to be understood in English and without… Read more »
There is a small fairy you can ride.. Which probably explains why you should not bend over to put your hand in the water.
I, Jose Mareado, recommend the Ferry trip.
♫ Welcome to the machine. What did you dream? ♫
♫ It’s alright. We told you what to dream. ♫
This is China. And you WILL dream about Bingyu.
Now put on your life jacket!
So its a rowing ship
A ship cannot have enough tourists
Visitors need to wear a bulletproof vest to avoid the drive by machine guns
@ Droll not Troll | 5:27 am: Efficient, like Potato Ships.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Throw your garbage overboard
And hear the captain scream!