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Could it come with cream
Also comes in fish
Must be the kind of butter they used in last Tango in Paris.
Wipe that butter-eating grin off your face!
I shoulda read the whole thing! Make that “chip-eating grin”.
When that dairy air causes a smile, it’s vertical.
Also called ”ButtAir”
From the people who came up with edible underwear.
NOTE: Be careful trying
I can’t believe it’s not butt-her.
Can I just try it? I promise I won’t buy it.
Don’t ask where they get the milk to make adult butter.
Just the tip of your tongue, to see what it tastes like.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Butter (disambiguation).
Butt’er is a diarrhoea product containing up to 80% butt of her fat (in commercial products) which is sold when smiled at room temperature in Chinese regions and liquid when wormed. It is made by fragrant flesh or fermented cream or milk to separate the butt from her fat. It is generally used as a spread on plane or trained Brad products like ” Brad & Butt’er Teste” …*
*You shouldn’t try XiangJun dry.
Great product! Whenever I butter, she smiles.
Goes well with Pearl Jam.
ADult Butter. = Tastes like a woman.
When Marget uses this butter, she doesn’t have anemone in the world.
As they say:
♫A little bit of butter,
Makes the ship go down,
Ship go down, ship go down,
In a most delightful way.♪
and it comes with Adult Butler to assist you.
Every time I turn my toast upside down, I get an erection. (your taste-buds are on the top of your tongue)
I should hope they don’t milk calves.
Butter? I hardly know ‘er.
I am reminded of a show when the late political cartoonist Jeff McNelly depicted his cartoons over the years, and one of them showed then-President Jimmy Cater milking a bull. He says that he knows what he is doing-he’s a farm boy, isn’t he? McNelly then mentioned that the editor went ahead and printed the cartoon before he realized what Carter was doing.
Mmmm … Butter flies!
@Long Tom. Even though I am an Aussie, I remember that one. A clear cut case of the Editor doing what we humans are very good at. He saw what he expected to see.
@Long Tom 1040 above.
You must be over 21 to purchase this butter.