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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Hey, everybody looks ordinary…
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Do these glasses make my bum look common?
♫Common people, common♪
Common folk don’t want to make a spectacle of themselves.
Buy these and make a public spectacle of yourself.
Common people are the most likely to get framed.
After a 9+ eathquake in the 80s the Earth spun slightly faster.
I wonder, if all the people on Earth could arrange to have simultaneous orgasms, the earth would stop moving at all?
Don’t accept them, if someone lens them to you.
Glasses? Pfffft! I know some common people who drink straight from the bottle.
@Marum | 4:10 am: Orgasms or not, several billion moons ought to slow it down considerably.
There once was a lass named Stark,
Whose lady part had a strawberry birthmark,
To her lovers’ delight,
She made them turn on the light,
‘Cause it couldn’t be seen in the dark.
@ Droll not Troll | 4:13 am: Only peasants drink from their sunglasses!
@DNT 0410. When QEII visited NZ a few years ago, the Maoris gave her a 21 bum salute.
That set culture back a millennia or two.
As they say in NZ sungl asses get very crunky.
Found in ”Common People’s Normal Republic of Ordinary China”
Why do politicians wear glasses Patrick?
To help the to focus Sean.
What? All of us, Patrick?
I would imagine the chinese says: SPECSAVERS
Not only myopia, everybody’s opia!
Take 2: Common myopia: The opia of the masses.
In the not so distant future: ”COMMON PEOPLE CAVES”
Literally it reads “100 surnames glasses”.
Therefore if your surname is not one of the 100 classic Chinese ones, go buy your glasses elsewhere!
@DrLex | 5:00 am: So the translator got it Wong.
For the Paul Young fans!
“Excuse me, do you have the round lenses in thick black frames?”
Common People Glasses at not so common prices.
@DrLex | 5:00 am:
No Laowai allowed, I guess.
Huh…looks like I unintentionally created a rhyming tongue-twister.
Say “No Laowai Allowed” fast 10 times and see what happens!
This must be where Clark Kent gets his.
Not for the hoi poloi
For the cheap and nasty
@Lora 0946. No. Lois Lane, is where Clark “gets his”.
@Algernon 1304. Eh? Did you say; “For the cheapened Nazi”?
“Doctor doctor! My eyesight’s failing do you think I need glasses?”
“You certainly do sir – this is a bank”
@Marum, I knew someone was going to turn that into a sexual joke. You’d think they’d look at it and say, “nope, it’s too easy”.
You forgot the fact that for 99.99% of adult males, there is NO such thing as “too easy” when it comes to turning neutral jokes into sexual jokes.
We can’t help it. It’s how we’re wired.
We even enjoy it. That’s why we do that.
….Plus hydraulic pressure drives us into it.
Jarvis Cocker shopped here!