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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Engrish.com! Be Juicy!
Your fashionable lifestyle is TOO specific.
No daughter of mine is wearing sparkphss on her prodnetions!
Photo courtesy of Joana Purves.
Found on a bag from China.
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I want sparkphss and prodnetions
But is Victoria fashionable
What’s the charge for a prodnet ion?
Sparkphss is the technique for making a blue angel.
That’s Victoria‘s secrets new bag.
From Pronatal to Prodnetions, all your needs are inside the bag.
Sparkphss sounds like it may be fissionable!
They used some strange words in the Victorian era.
Phss! It’s Victoria Secretion!
Sneh lovely prodnets, especially their fishucts
Today’s secret word is NABOL.
If she keeps getting sparkphss on her prodnetion, it won’t be long before she is preggers.
And she plays a mean banjo!
Well, prod my netions and call me Sparkphss!
What about prodnets from Live’s, Cocoa, Nkie, George O. Armmany, Christina Door, Christian Lobotomy, Gay Cotton, Dolce & Banana, Daddyass, Untied Colors of Bonetone … ?
Victoria’s secret is out! She cannot speak the Queen’s English, but the Queen’s Engrish!
@Long Tom 0546. Haha you just beat me to it.
I thought Victoria’s secret was; Vittoria cunnt speel.
“Sparkphss” sounds like something electronic exploding. The keyboard of whoever wrote this text, probably.
Hey … This is yesterday’s Engrish! o_O
Well yes, I suppose corsets and petticoats and bustles were a specific kind of fashion.
@72rd.0450. “Ful wys is he that kan himselve knowe.” ( Geoffrey Chaucer)
NOW! That’s yesterday’s english.
Certainly is “yesterday’s” English. 7 line Iambic Pentameter
The Parliament of Foules (G.C.)
THE life so short, the craft so long to learn,
Th’assay so hard, so sharp the conquering,
The dreadful joy, alway that *flits so yern;* *fleets so fast*
All this mean I by* Love, that my feeling *with reference to
Astoneth* with his wonderful working, *amazes
So sore, y-wis, that, when I on him think,
Naught wit I well whether I fleet* or sink, *float
@DNT 0458. The secret word. Herr Weinstein perhaps.
N ever
A ffectionate
B ut
O minously
L echerous
Or the one that cracks me up. But I guess one has to be a male of a certain age, to find it funny.
S ingle
I ncome
T wo
C hildren
O ppressive
M ortgage
This could lead to covfefe.