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It appears that we have two October 11ths. This makes sense, because the Calendar is out of synch. So we need an extra day added. This is as good as any time.
Quote: The more advanced leap year formula makes the Gregorian calendar far more accurate than the Julian. However, it is not perfect either. Compared to the tropical year, it is off by one day every 3236 years.
Pope Gregory XIII. 1582.
Anything freaks if you keep it in a box all day.
Corn freaks and mirk in a bowel?
Corn freaks have huge ears.
– Now eat your freaks and drink menu, or else no nuts!
– How to get rid of corn freaks?
– Find a cereal killer!
– Waiter, you Miss Spelled ”Corn”!
– Do you want me to make a Miss Steak, Madam?
This Engrish is so yesterday
@Yu No Hoo 0408. I’ve been in a box most of the night, more than once. It did just the opposite to freaking me out.
Someone gave the corn a surprise. Or maybe they gave it children.
Today may be yesterday but I can’t wait for tomorrow’s yesterday!
Over the lips,
Past the gums,
Look out hips,
Here it comes.
@72rd 0705. Errr, yes?
@ Marum | 7:17 am: Well, tomorrow is October 12th…right?
@Seventy2rd o clock | 10:25 am: Actually, it’s Friday the 13th. I think that may be the problem….. 😯
@Droll not Troll | 5:58 pm: Friday 13th, when all corn freaks out …
No. The extra day is the “Non-day”. So the calendar goes like this:
Wed 11th; Non-day 11th; Thurs 12th: Fri 13th., and the Calendar is realigned.
Cause the year is 365.25 days + a sundry number of seconds.
Amaizing Engrish
I’ve seen the menu and now I’m flaking out.
Enjoyed by mad scientists everywhere