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It’s tasteless
Flesh coffee, made of human beans
American blend maybe
Approved by nine out of ten blands.
It becomes invisible when it blands into the blackground
Tastes like Starbucks
No wonder it’s bland.
It’s grown in Iceland.
There used to be a newspaper comic named “Lully”, about a secretary who, among other things, was completely inept at making coffee for her boss. She was not doing this to spite him; she was actually inept at that job.
Maccas makes the worst coffee in Brissie, and it costs $4.00 a cup.
I ruminated upon the matter, of how could a machine which grinds its own beans, make such lousy coffee. Then it occurred to me: The beans are plastic, they slip in half a teaspoon of Nescafe when you’re not looking.
Just add coffee
@Long Tom 0413. I hear she retired shortly after that. You might say – she was on her last lap.
I might as well be totally politically incorrect:
I like my coffee like my women: Hot, black, and sweet.
Made in a coffee vacuous pot.
Uh, oh! Somebody spilled the beans!
Try the crappuccino.
Endorsed by Wan Valdez.
We serve the average joe.
Our specialty: Coffee to f u
161 flavours of blandness
@Marum 0413: In the actual strip, Lolly lived at home alone with a poodle, while the bo9ss had a jealous wife. The boss never hit upon Lolly though.
This one time, at bland camp, a kid drank 161 cups of coffee.
@Seventy2rd o clock | 9:29 am: Coffee tofu? I’ll pass! O_o
@ Droll not Troll | 7:51 pm: Pass out, I suppose?
Btw, nothing beats that strong, fragrant tofu taste… 😉
@Seventy2rd o clock | 4:05 am: Hehe! “Wake up and smell the tofu!” – said no-one, ever.
@ Droll not Troll | 4:13 am: I think that’s what she said … besides ”Good mourning”
It is our Export Bland.
I don’t know about coffee.
But an Indian Chief used to drink 400 cups of tea a day.
I believe he died in his own teepee.
Better bland coffee than cafe au lead!
Try their “Love on the riverbank” coffee. It’s f***ing near water.
“This coffee tastes like dirt!”
“It should, it was ground just this morning.”
Still better than Starsucks, I bet, as long as it is not Cafe con Leech.