Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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For only 15 ¥ , you can piss on our beef balls.
Why would yuan to do that?
#1 on the menu.
I don’t want to share. You can have them all!
I’ll just have a wee taste.
Urinal cake for dessert.
Nothing like stones to bring a tear to your eyes
They’re golden
Oh, you had a kidney stone? PFFT!
Is that food or a Chinese insult?
Do you have cream sauce instead of this yellow?
– Look Ma, no sh*t!
Try them with some toilet pepper
Number One in China
Maybe “Mountain Oysters” translates to something worse.
Served with streamed rice.
I had this in Somerville once. It was wicked pissah!
In France, their name for dandelion salad translates literally to “piss-in-bed salad”.
You heathens need to watch the fantastic Stephen Chow martial arts movie ‘God of Cookery’.
There’s a traditional shrimp ball which is called pissing shrimp ball because they’re made with mantis shrimp, which will often squirt you if you harass them or pick them up. It’s not a pissing ‘shrimp ball’ it’s a ‘pissing shrimp’ ball.
If you combine the shrimp ball with beef ball and make it so juicy it squirts when you bite it you get the pissing beef ball.
@Long Tom. 0007hrs. You reminded me of something from my boyhood, that I have not heard or thought of, for nearly sixty years.
Dandelions used to be called: “Wet the bed Plant” !!! Amongst us little boys.
It has my sympathy.
I think I would piss myself too, if someone bit my balls.
A Party of six of us went to a restaurant by coach. After we had climbed on board, and before we moved off, the horse gave an almighty thunderous fart.
Coach Girl: “Sorry bout that!”
Me: “That’s Ok love. We all thought it was the horse.”
That worked well. Once again, the wife wouldn’t speak to me for days.
Urine for a tasty surprise.
I shall pass on that. Pisses me off instantly