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Please leave your hope at the service counter.
Careful what you enter
You’re welcome to come again and again.
Depends what you service
All hope abandon ye who enter here!
So many visitors get stuck in the revolving door!
All our hope are belong to us!
After visitors manage to re-enter the building, they can get their hope back at the service counter.
CAUTION: Hope under construction
They might be building, but don’t get your hopes up.
There’s something fishy about this translation.
– Hello, could you direct me to the toilet, please?
– We hope it’s the second door on the left, Madam.
You can re-enter … But you can never exit.
– Zen
I am looking for Bob Hope.
This is an aquarium. In case of mishaps, we provide hope-on-a-rope.
@Big Fat Cat | 4:50 am: Check the surface of the water and see if the hope is bobbing. 😛
@DNT 0450. I can remember when they had “Soap-on-a-rope” when I shared a shower with my lady, I had somewhere to hang it. Other times I merely lassoed a tap.
@72rd 0403.. I hear you may even come in the back-door, if you ask nicely. 🖖
@Marum 7:11,
You forgot to mention the need to include 3 extra things, mate, besides just asking nicely:
1. Bring plenty of lube and promise to apply it liberally
2. Brought extra strong condoms
3. Promise to proceed VERY slowly and gently, then follow through on your promises
Otherwise one may find oneself tossed out permanently on one’s @R$E.
OK I figure I’ve waited long enough to translate the actual Japanese meaning:
“Should one wish to re-enter the building, please (go to) the service counter (located) at the exit to the building and follow the procedures (required) there.*
*words in parentheses are needed for clear English but understood by context without saying in the Japanese.
Help me, I’ve reentered and I can’t get out
Far Side cartoon: Some demons are placing an “Abandon all hope” sign at the entrance to Hell, and then the Devil comes by and says, “No, no, it’s much more hellish when there is a little hope!”
From “Re-entering a Building”, by Birr Monloe.
The receptionist has been looking forward to you visiting again.
@Pete 0935. With little Filipina ladies. That applies to either side of the story.