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Lots of fiber in string…
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I use string soaked in Kerosene, and then dried out, as a crude safety fuse.
Bpmb bomb badom, bomb bomb badom
Bit of a lucky dip
Especially if you are a cello phone grill
Them’s fireshipsm in them thaar ports. Me hearties.
And something North Korean at the end. Donald says
It puts the string burns on the kind or else it gets the menu again
That’s what happened to Robert redford and Paul newman when their plan failed.
fireship (archaic) = a diseased prostitute.
The old-time sailors invented the term, when they used to bite the handrails in half when they went for a pee, after having spent a few days in port.
What goes with this, red or white twine?
The “kero fuse” is ironic.
Because Kero or Diesel fuel, mixed with liquid Oxygen, makes an effective rocket-fuel, for liquid fuelled rockets. No idea whether Korea’s (Kim’s) ICBMs use liquid or solid fuel.
If it’s a candlelight dinner, the string burns the wicked.
….and the rope rewards the evil.
Liquid fuelled rockets are advantageous for long range. The burn rate cane controlled by adjustable nozzles or by pump metering, So. Kim baby needs about 56K of U235, or 11k of U239. So far, so easy. The tricky part is achieving “critical mass”. The Plutonium masses have to be accelerated by conventional explosives, to achieve enough velocity to go critical, when the masses of fissile material crash into each other. This has to be contained in a large (say spherical) vessel. The vessel has to withstand the force of a few tonnes of conventional explosives, and stay in one piece.… Read more »
So , there you have it. A nice dirty A Bomb. (fission) It really could be designed and built by anyone who has done their Physics to Uni. entrance level. He would need some help from military explosives engineer, for designing the detonating mechanisms.
Probably one out of every five would be effective.
Therefore I cannot imagine him trying this one on. If he did, the UYSA would probably turn much of Nth. Korea into sheets of obsidiasn.
Chineesee Kebabs anyone?
They are called….Goner Kebabs.
It’s safer here during Be Cruel to String Week.
I asked the string if it would spare me. It answered “I’m a frayed knot.”
I think they’re spinning us a yarn here.
I get it!. It’s hemp rope/string.
WhyTF would you want to burn it otherwise.
“Goodbye horsemeat, I’m flying over you!”
The string also burns the careless kite flyer.
Ok if i’m reading my Chinese right it simply says:
Kebabs Roasted Assorted (types)
@Pete 0805. They are cheaper in quantity.
So one buys whole strings of ’em.
What really amazes me, is the one which appears to have chocolate biscuits on it.
It may be for expat Aussies. A Tim-Tam kebab.
Never jog wearing a thong, no matter how nice you are.
Whatever the name, it looks quite good. Dare I ask what’s on the various skewers?
Better known as “anticuchos chinos”