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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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They just go up in smoke
Q: What is the funniest motorbike in the world?
A: A Yamahahahahahahahahaha.
Its very stairish
Shirt as worn by the local “bike”.
Theresa May would not approve of this.
They never go straight to the finish.
“SHOEI” is what a Korean says, when he wants you to go away.
Q: What does an Aborigine bloke say when he finds a yam?
A: AHA! Yam.
Could this be what they mean when they talk about an “aha” moment?
Talk about mincing your words.
I wondered why my Yamaha wouldn’t go.
Then I found a whole stack of kimchi stuck under the keyboard.
Yamaha pianos aren’t integrated.
They won’t allow you to play the black and white keys at the same time.
Kim has modified a Yamaha so that it can hit New York.
This is not Team Yamaha, this is OTHER Team Yamaha.
Drag racing?
@DR. Lex 0404. Neither would James May, either, probably.
Watch out for the flaming exhausts!
@Yo No Hoo. 0406..
That’s understandable. I always go “round the world” first.
I understand Hondyke give them a run for their money.
“Holy YARK!!! Boy wonder! The rear damper jus stuck itself up my bumhole.”
‘They don’t call it the Buttbike for nothing Buttman.’
I broke a nail.
I like to Yam on my Yamaha guitar.
“I’m on your tail!”
Just watch where you leave the butts…
@EffEff A few days ago.
You mentioned Indian arrowheads – Made in India.
We had an Aboriginal Souvenir Shop selling Boomerangs – Made in China.
Sigh. We have certainly learnt from the whities haven’t we? Culture is always subsidiary to profits. 😥
What next?
Will the LGBTQI lobby, register the “Rainbow Serpent” as their logo?
Will the Gubbi Gubbi people sell advertising rights to Mt Tibrogargan?
Will they sell Uluru to the Chinese as a Granite Quarry?
Edit: Not Granite, it is Sandstone (Coarse grained Arkose) to be precise.
Mmmm … Yammy!
Gaption | Making
CAUTION: Not for tourist of motorbike
– Would you also consider our err-conditions, LSD TVs, synthesizzles, or perhaps shoeis, Sir?
Motordykes at their masculinest
There really are gay motorcycle gangs.
Have you the same in pink?
Fast come out.
Do their bikes have FAG bearings?
Every driver wants to be in the pole position.
Didn’t they mean FAGTORY RAGING?