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The place is a bummer
It’s really Egyptian. It refers to the area around the Aswan Dam.
I thought it should be two
Q: What is a vicious circle.
A: Its an ass one with teeth.
Everyone’s taxes are in arrears.
If you build it, they will come.
Bend over and kiss it goodbye.
With a name like that, it won’t last.
Watch out for cracks in the ceiling.
Algernon 4:03,
You’re talking about cheeks.
Maybe it refers to this. 👿
Maybe it refers to this = Saitama Masjid. 👿
How to become the butt of a thousand jokes.
Good thing there’s a sign, it’s just a hole-in-the-wall.
They get a lot of squatters.
When you enter this house you cant have a shu hon.
It is actually in Honshu Perverture.
What kind of keys open the doors?
Don keys, of course.
I don’t like their holeyer-than-thou attitude.
It’s a trick. They sell pants.
Holes gnawed in the carpet will have to be paid for.
AKA Trump Towers.
GOD! I looked up apartments in Saitama. The bedroom is 6sqM. If one got out of bed with an erection it would nearly be hanging over the balcony rail.
Not much chance of fitting a King Size bed in there.
All our units have gas.
@Marum 4:56,
Neither you, a king size bed, or your boner will fit in there, guaranteed.
And I sure hope there ISN’T a “Saitama Masjid”.
Saitama is north-of-Tokyo commuter bedroom suburbs.
I’ve been there but I lived in the south-of-Tokyo suburbs in Kanagawa “perverture”…so I can’t really call Saitama “my old stompin’ grounds”.
Yer kidding? THAT flophouse?
That place is for bums!
I wouldn’t know the diff mate. I just looked up a R/E website in Saitama.
Actually there is a Saitama Masjid (Saitama Muslim Cultural Association)
Where Japanese homosexuals have to live.
@Marum 4:02,
Actually the katakana does sound out as “Aswan” as in the Egyptian dam.
(Oh, dam those Egyptians and their entrance & exit holes…)
I’ll never forget the time I was traveling in Shikoku and saw a huge billboard riding through a town on the coast of the Inland Sea advertising a product named “Hard On”.
Couldn’t stop laughing for about 20 minutes.
I even took a photo of it…I need to go dig that up and send it to the webmaster.
PS: I think it was the name for an auto wax or something like that.
Sorry, I would not take up residence in one such ass that.
So narrow that you can squeeze only one ass per apartment.
Almost the same ass two housing, but only for a single person
Get one, have a number two for three!
NOTE: You’re welcome to come ass soon ass possible
Is somebody baking brownies in there?
I lived in some half assed places, this would be a step up.