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It must be the beans
Road kill our specialty
Actually one can’t fart food.
If you feel something lumpy. It’s too late.
Found at WcDonald’s
Will it make me fart fast?
Hooray, it’s a cheersburger!
Der Burghers sind besser, am Hungry Jacks.
Farst food, the pirates’ favourite.
Q. What is the sharpest thing in the world?
A. A fart. (It can go through your pants without leaving a hole)
You want friars with that?
@DNT 0407.
No! It’ hearty food. “Me hearty.”
Farst food – Guaranteed to give you gas!
It may be farst but at least it’s not wurst
Lettuce have a Farst Burger.
– How would you like your burger, Madam?
– Rawr!
Actually. If it’s in Japan, it is probably not lettuce. It’s probably seaweed.
Bugger those damn nips.
@Marum | 4:09 am: Farts always leave a hole; that’s how they get out of the body. 😛
The burger goes well, with a nip or two to wash it down.
If you’re hungry, Nippon one now.
For those who were born in the last 30 minutes and haven’t heard this joke yet:
Farts are extra-terrestials. They come from Uranus.
@72rd 0414. When the chips are down, one must always make Das Best of Der Wurst.
It’s the local scarf’n’barf.
Michi no eki hamburgu
Why is toilet paper like the Starship Enterprise? Well it circles Uranus and picks off Klingons
Better to add an R than omit the S.
@Marum 4:33,
Nice try.
But I’ll betcha anything they use katakana and say
“Ro-odo Suteishon”.
And they’d spell Hamburger “Humbug” in Romaji (English letters).
Can’t tell you how many times I saw “Humbug” used that way when I lived in Japan.
Maybe they’re trying to corner the Iranian construction worker market in Japan and meant to say “Farsi Food”….?
(Yes, Japan has a lot of Iranians working construction there. Or at least, they used to.)
Reminds me of another sign I once saw on TV that said “KIDS WITH GAS EAT FREE”.
hey, it’s a cheeseboogie! i’d also like no coke, pesi
What else did they expect to find between a pair of buns?
@Pete 1848. Hahahaha.
I am unto the Japanese Language, such as Demolition Derbys are to Formula 1
@Lora 0974. One that may amuse you. In an Amusement Park in Oz:
@Pete. So solly it was 0648 not 1848
I’m a Tad rattled, my battery died on the way home, So I had to get toe-ed