Wind washed clothes never caught on…
Photo courtesy of Adriano Acioli. Found in Nara, Japan.
Wash with suitsble the wind says
Does wonders for body odour
I see it is Light Beer. XXXX
Now I don’t know whether to sh*t or wind my wash!
XXXX = heavy beer. 👯
Wash in warm wind. Suggest rinse. XXX Do not drink and dry.
Don’t hang out your washing in a cyclone. Your jocks may end up in Tassie.🎈
Not only that, wind washed clothes never cot-ton.
How do I clean my windbreaker?
This is a Roman toga, size 30.
@Yu No Hoo | 4:16 am: And they never wool!
Do not send to Cjinesee Raundry. 👲
My clothes never agree to be washed; they always get agitated.
@Yu No Hoo | 4:18 am: I use TP on mine. 😈
👮Police to hand wash 🚽
Here’s to beer ㉘ ㉘ ㉘ ㉘ &128569;
@Marum | 4:29 am: Who does laundry in a copper these days?
@Marum 4:13. I’m assuming a nap of Tassie
@DNT 0437. I thought I would incrude the picture of the washing machina.
If the wind washes it then the rain dries it.
These glothes are drunk.
@Algernon 0442. No it was meant to be balloon. This ▼ is a map of Tassie
– Do not read – Do not agree – Suggest separately
I think it means dry clean only.
All suggestive clothes carry the XXX rating.
@ Droll 4:26 am
Maybe try hoisting it up a bit before sitting down?
It agrees it washes but it should be sble to trsnslste this correctly.
I would have thought, that the only thing which would blow skidmarks out of your underdaks, would be some sort of high explosive.
The wind blew my jocks to a football (soccer) stadium in Scotland.
Wash with suitsble the wind says
Does wonders for body odour
I see it is Light Beer. XXXX
Now I don’t know whether to sh*t or wind my wash!
XXXX = heavy beer. 👯
Wash in warm wind.
Suggest rinse.
XXX Do not drink and dry.
Don’t hang out your washing in a cyclone. Your jocks may end up in Tassie.🎈
Not only that, wind washed clothes never cot-ton.
How do I clean my windbreaker?
This is a Roman toga, size 30.
@Yu No Hoo | 4:16 am: And they never wool!
Do not send to Cjinesee Raundry. 👲
My clothes never agree to be washed; they always get agitated.
@Yu No Hoo | 4:18 am: I use TP on mine. 😈
👮Police to hand wash 🚽
Here’s to beer ㉘ ㉘ ㉘ ㉘ &128569;
@Marum | 4:29 am: Who does laundry in a copper these days?
@Marum 4:13. I’m assuming a nap of Tassie
@DNT 0437. I thought I would incrude the picture of the washing machina.
If the wind washes it then the rain dries it.
These glothes are drunk.
@Algernon 0442. No it was meant to be balloon. This ▼ is a map of Tassie
– Do not read
– Do not agree
– Suggest separately
I think it means dry clean only.
All suggestive clothes carry the XXX rating.
@ Droll 4:26 am
Maybe try hoisting it up a bit before sitting down?
It agrees it washes but it should be sble to trsnslste this correctly.
I would have thought, that the only thing which would blow skidmarks out of your underdaks, would be some sort of high explosive.
The wind blew my jocks to a football (soccer) stadium in Scotland.