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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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Ist’s Thipdworld Enginsh!
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Yoat = Half man half goat.
So she married a Satyr. Lucky girl.
I know ist’s only been a wddk but it feels like a yoat.
I think you need more heip with your Enginsh.
I’m sorry to tell you this Chang old chasp.
With help like that , I think you should apply for Foreign Aid.
Teke a nudy of the countody and you’ll get a yoat in jail.
jongoy why the countody too many youts on the olimb wddk
I thought China was in Asia. Oh Fu shi
This motor mouth needs engin sh.
On her wedding night with her Satyr, Alice was quite overcome.
So. He is going to climb the mountain during the Ides of March.
I really do believe, he should Caesar the occasion..
Another in our fine line of garbled garb.
I wouldn’t be too critical. That wasn’t bad for a cat.
It was wrotten by Garblefield the Cat.
A nudy is the cause of the student’s self-conhdeno.
I suppose a rieh man is better than a meh man.
So that’s what Shi said: FU!
If he was a rieh man, why did they have to work day and night?!
Languages of the Underdark: Aquan, Elven, Sylvan.
Let’s Translate It.
– Nkie
As spoken by a Satyr.
The dyslexic sports shoe = Inkie.
– Can’t you speak Enginsh?
– Yos! Iast yoat!
Ist’s shi Alice?
A poor man must nig, but a rich man nign’t.
China needs more Foreign trada with countodies that speaks good Enlish.
I never knew wildlife can be saved with poor Engrish.
Jongoy: A cheap vehicle with a 2-stroke enginsh.
Hi Alice. I suppose a yoat is anudy of the countody.
“Go ask Alice when she’s tein feat toll.”
DNT 0508.
Wasn’t Jongoy a cream one put on one’s male part, so as to make one last longer.
Oh! Sorry. That was Longjoy. 😉
Beware the Ides of China.
Goodnight, Johngoy.
We must pratect the wildlife and ensrure they are cowfortable.
Ist’s? Are you sure they were teaching you Enginsh and not Germanglish?
Still a better love story than “Twilight.”
Enginsh-beyond Engrish!
Damn it! Last yoat. Where can poor Chinese girls get another yoat?
Enginsh… the jargon engineers speak?
Mr. Chen, you might want to edit your personal statement before you submit to the university
lst’s join togetner to jongoy help this guy better Enginsh.
He is duelling with English.
It appears that English is conclusively ahead on points, and heading for a knockout.
“I’m Geibush Thipdworld, Migdy Pinelt™!”
The jongoy clearly aren’t helping you, they’re making you look like a dipthip.
Shows that it is not even worth the THIRD WORLD