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Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
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♫ My poor old moggie is all red and flat and soggy,
He tried to race a truck, but he ran right out of luck,
He’s nobody’s moggie now oooowwww wooowwwwww oooowww♪
Ghildren should be seen and not likeheard.
Why would a lost child, have a kitten?
I’ll bet his/her mum, would be having kittens.
All that kittens is not ghild.
I can only guess, where a “camp pain” would hurt.
Our gompany is specialized in scraping dead kittens from the road at night. Nothing gheers up your ghildren more than being reunited with their likelost roadkill.
They misspelled “gampaign”.
@Dr Lex 0411. Good use for road-kill KFC.
KFC = Kentucky Fried Cats.
The gompany who looks during the night: Peiping Tom Inc.
A lost gompany needs a better GEO.
@Marum & DrLex: There are Roadkill Cafes.. There is one in Darwin and one somewhere in Arizona. Didn’t see kitten on the menu though.
And “traffig”.
Just beware of the traffic then
The best cat is a dead cat
@DNT 0423. Being part aborigine I can live on traditional bush tucker.
Traditional Bush Tucker = Kangaru and rabbit, which have been ironed out by the traditional Falcon Ute.
As long as they have not been made into Schnitzel, by a Road Train. Schnitzel is not traditional Aboriginal tucker. After all we never wore Lederhosen.
Lederhosen also causes Schnapps dancing.
Road Kill Café and Menu Darwin:
Gaption is made at here!
50% Gotton / 50% Likelost
Just make sure the crocodile is dead first, if you fancy croc fricassee.
A bloke driving on Sheridan Street Cairns a few years ago, on a wet night, nearly ran over a croc, which climbed out of a stormwater drain. He then inadvisedly, tooted the horn on his car. This seemed to annoy the croc somewhat, for it waddled over, and bit off his front tyre.
(Reported Cairns Post)
A Gompany’s GEO, is a Gollum.
Geo = Gollum Executive Offisssser.
@Marum | 4:08 am: For gompany, of course!
There once was a little girl named Shut Up, and she owned a kitten named trouble. One day Trouble got lost, so she went out looking for him, but ended up lost, too. Then she saw a police officer and went to him for help. The following hilarity ensued:
“What’s your name, little girl?”
“Shut Up.”
“I said SHUT UP!”
“Are you looking trouble, kid?”
“Wow, how did you guess?”
Hmmm….lost child?
Must be one of those Seeing Eye Kittens.
Now there’s a Gompany with some real Cumption!
Now I’m not sure if the Gompany’s name is really Gampaicn.
I hatelost gomment ratings.
Are you kitten me?
@Marum | 4:11 am: Camp pain is in-tents!
@DNT above.
@Marum | 3:48 am: I knew that, but when it comes to humour my mind can take some weird detours.
@Lora 0632. I know no gentleman should ever ask a lady her age but.
We little boys used to laugh at that joke at primary school., including telling the police your name:
Robert Sole = R. Sole.
Argus Tuft.
Ramita Rytupuras.
Ophelia. Cox.
And that was a hellava long time ago.
@Lora 😈
Is the Kitten lost, or the Ghild?
Poor Guild 🙁